So I’ve recently made a connection between some key stories of humankind and think that while they appear different on the surface there is a shared undercurrent, and it isContinue readingA Unified Theory Of Spirituality
The Great Narrative: A Call To Action
We the working people of the planet, must not allow “The Great Narrative” currently being constructed by the WEF and partners to become the only story of future history books.Continue readingThe Great Narrative: A Call To Action
Bubble Living
Far too many people protect themselves with a mental bubble. Reality doesn’t freely enter or exit the bubble and they choose what to let in or out. These people doContinue readingBubble Living
The Rock Of Sion
A baby girl was born to loving parents, who cherished her and brought her up with good morals and encouraged her questioning of the world around her. They did notContinue readingThe Rock Of Sion
Covid Endgame Pyschodrama
So I spent a day ruminating on this idea, I thought I’d share it for posterity. Living Room Interior – Night Wife: “Who’s that at the door, at this time?”Continue readingCovid Endgame Pyschodrama
Digital God
I have previously written about the coming of an AI god, and will expand on this theme now based upon what is happening all around us in 2021. readingDigital God
When Thinking Is Considered Dangerous
I’m sick of people labelling intelligent thinkers as conspiracy theorists and pushing a false narrative that goes with the stereotype. These accusers are themselves Narcissists and see others through theContinue readingWhen Thinking Is Considered Dangerous
The Englishman
The Englishman is a curious animal, found in the northern hemisphere on an isolated cold and wet island, which is separated from the mainland by a hallowed historical battleground inContinue readingThe Englishman
Evil is known to a great many people and if it were to simply show itself we would recognise it and fight it. So like the best predators, evil usesContinue readingCamouflage
My Covid Vaccine Apporval Criteria
As a father, I am less concerned about my own health than I am for my Children’s health. As a result I am not satisfied with the way the vaccineContinue readingMy Covid Vaccine Apporval Criteria