Following all the rules will make you go insane, they are contradictory and not there for your benefit. Find your own set of rules that work and make sense! Why?Continue readingRules
Rites of passage
In these 21st century years, it seems that men have forgotten about the transition from boyhood to manhood, to their detriment. We now have 40 year old boys that neverContinue readingRites of passage
They say the best things in life are free, and when it comes to learning this should definitely be the case. Kids shouldn’t have to pay for education, friends shouldn’tContinue readingFree
Do you know the difference between being kind and being nice? Do you? Really? It is important to know the difference so that you do not get mixed up whenContinue readingKindness
Disclaimer: I am not inverting things nor would I lie to you, my integrity is worth more to me than most things in my life. The things you read hereContinue readingInversion
I’ve always been a loner, a maverick, a dissenter. This is the way to break free of the narrative of our society which seeks to blind us, and to bindContinue readingTruth
You are not plumbing!
As I watch others on the shared path to enlightenment, I see a disconnect between the life transformation that Kundalini Shakti represents and the reports of success that people share.Continue readingYou are not plumbing!
The tenets of finding the source of consciousness as I have learned them: Honesty Faithful truth seeking/telling Love freely Tenacity Resilience Forgiveness Quiet confidence in acquired knowledge Surrender to aContinue readingTenets