Decades ago now, some people believed that greater availability information would lead to humanity becoming more enlightened and truthful. The internet was an expression of this with a free sharingContinue readingThe Naked Truth
Kundalini And The Serpent
I now understand why there is a connection between snakes and Kundalini awakening. 10 years after my Kundalini awakening I believe I have found why the association of these seeminglyContinue readingKundalini And The Serpent
Who Are “They”?
So many people, including me, refer the “they” when they are describing a bad thing that happened or will happen. It’s human nature to do this so it is notContinue readingWho Are “They”?
The Flip Side Of Lesser Magic
Lesser Magic is defined by the Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey as the following: “wile and guile obtained through various devices and contrived situations, which when utilized, can createContinue readingThe Flip Side Of Lesser Magic
Why Study Kundalini?
I don’t think there is much advertising of Kundalini out there in the world, save for the Hatha yoga variant, so I wanted to put together a little personal salesContinue readingWhy Study Kundalini?
How People Explain Themselves
I’ve just had an insight to how the the masses think and it is so different from me! So my boss was trying to explain to me how a particularContinue readingHow People Explain Themselves
As human beings we are susceptible to the idea of polarisation, also known as the false dilemma or black and white thinking, essentially this is supporting your team over anotherContinue readingPolarisation
Bubble Living
Far too many people protect themselves with a mental bubble. Reality doesn’t freely enter or exit the bubble and they choose what to let in or out. These people doContinue readingBubble Living
Not asking questions and finding out the truth of a matter, then making assumptions and reacting emotionally is the worst crime that two parties can commit in a relationship, whetherContinue readingAssumptions
Pillar Of Lies
I’ve recently been shown how the mind of a liar works, and I now understand why it is that they are unable to ever admit a lie, no matter howContinue readingPillar Of Lies