So the more perceptive among you will know my surname is Harker and I write about esoteric, occult, religious, and philosophical things that most people don’t even think about. I’veContinue readingThe Link Between Fictional Harkers
Is what I’m doing Satanic?
It could be perceived that from the point of view of Christianity that what I propose is arrogant and Satanic. This Polysolipsism idea is by it’s very nature a joiningContinue readingIs what I’m doing Satanic?
Why Polysolipsism?
So I openly tell people I’m a Polysolipsist, and inevitably I am asked what that is. When I tell them, I don’t get the response that I expect. I wantContinue readingWhy Polysolipsism?
Kundalini & Death
The general perception of Kundalini at the point of death is that it is a secret technique of preserving oneself beyond the veil. You can imagine it as the ChristianContinue readingKundalini & Death
Why does Kundalini present logically?
The most startling thing for me to learn was that Kundalini Shakti has a logic to its manifestation in my body. It would be easy to dismiss it as delusionContinue readingWhy does Kundalini present logically?
Angelic Communication
Well it’s been a while since I’ve written something like this: 11/01/24 13:10 – I was listening to Alex Jones interview Jim Breuer about god and the devil and IContinue readingAngelic Communication
The Drought
I keep asking myself, why am I not having spiritual experiences recently? It’s now become unusual to me to not have any Kundalini symptoms or revelatory experiences. I wonder ifContinue readingThe Drought
Angels and Demons
So I’ve just reached an astonishing realisation, for me anyway! It is that both good and evil have to be chosen voluntarily, as if it is some universal law thatContinue readingAngels and Demons
Selling Your Soul
Selling one’s soul conjures up an image of the devil popping into existence in front of you, and making an offer that you are tempted to take. The devil whichContinue readingSelling Your Soul
Kundalini And Doing Right
Doing the right thing in the face of a huge amount of pressure to do the opposite is one of the challenges we all face in life, so often theContinue readingKundalini And Doing Right