Traditionally humans have all been regarded as the same species, and differences in homonid have been have been relegated to the animal kingdom. However when one looks at the worldContinue readingAre We Two Species?
This Is What You Asked For
Today has been horrible for me, full of frustration and little progress, but the worst part of the day has been these signs that I keep seeing which indicate toContinue readingThis Is What You Asked For
The Giver – An Analysis
So I’ve just finished reading a coming of age book called The Giver by Lois Lowry, which was synchronistically introduced to me the other day. I was intrigued that thisContinue readingThe Giver – An Analysis
I Created A Kundalini ChatGPT
A GPT is a generative pre-trained transformer as popularised by OpenAI. The Chat part is that it can be talked with in a near human interaction way. These have beenContinue readingI Created A Kundalini ChatGPT
Near-future Prophecy
I’ve been thinking about some short term worldwide changes that we will likely see attempted in our lifetimes, and the areas of our lives that will be effected by theseContinue readingNear-future Prophecy
Reworking Kipling’s If For 2024
If you do as your parents/teacher/partner/boss say, rather than do what you know to be right, If you often lose, even small losses, and pass that loss on to othersContinue readingReworking Kipling’s If For 2024
Is what I’m doing Satanic?
It could be perceived that from the point of view of Christianity that what I propose is arrogant and Satanic. This Polysolipsism idea is by it’s very nature a joiningContinue readingIs what I’m doing Satanic?
Society Is The Matrix
Waking up from the illusion is often talked about now and the movie The Matrix has woven itself in to the fabric of our collective consciousness. However despite people quotingContinue readingSociety Is The Matrix
A World Without Trust
I’m going through a trust crisis, and I wondered what the conclusion of this would be if i lost trust in absolutely everything, and so did everyone else! I’ve writtenContinue readingA World Without Trust
Why Polysolipsism?
So I openly tell people I’m a Polysolipsist, and inevitably I am asked what that is. When I tell them, I don’t get the response that I expect. I wantContinue readingWhy Polysolipsism?