The Monolith is a psychological manifestation that people have. It represents the “reality” that they are trying not to see. It is a large dark scary artefact of their psycheContinue readingThe Monolith
I’m sitting here feeling very anxious right now, with all that is going on with covid around the world and all that appears to be coming down the pipe toContinue readingAnxiety
Placebo / Nocebo
It has become clear to me that many of the worlds problems can be boiled down to Narcissism. Nothing illustrates this better than the Placebo effect, and the recently popularisedContinue readingPlacebo / Nocebo
Following all the rules will make you go insane, they are contradictory and not there for your benefit. Find your own set of rules that work and make sense! Why?Continue readingRules
Do you know the difference between being kind and being nice? Do you? Really? It is important to know the difference so that you do not get mixed up whenContinue readingKindness
The tenets of finding the source of consciousness as I have learned them: Honesty Faithful truth seeking/telling Love freely Tenacity Resilience Forgiveness Quiet confidence in acquired knowledge Surrender to aContinue readingTenets