The most startling thing for me to learn was that Kundalini Shakti has a logic to its manifestation in my body. It would be easy to dismiss it as delusionContinue readingWhy does Kundalini present logically?
Angelic Communication
Well it’s been a while since I’ve written something like this: 11/01/24 13:10 – I was listening to Alex Jones interview Jim Breuer about god and the devil and IContinue readingAngelic Communication
Martyrs Movie (2008)
For whatever reason, the timings have come around to me now watching the epic French movie Martyrs today. I can perhaps relate more to this movie than most and itContinue readingMartyrs Movie (2008)
10 Years Later
So here we are, a decade has passed since I had a Kundalini awakening and what are my thoughts? Well it’s not turned out the way I thought it would!Continue reading10 Years Later
Kundalini And The Serpent
I now understand why there is a connection between snakes and Kundalini awakening. 10 years after my Kundalini awakening I believe I have found why the association of these seeminglyContinue readingKundalini And The Serpent
I look upon sane people who have a crazy episode very differently now to how I did when I was young. I see them today as escapees who want toContinue readingSane?
Who Are “They”?
So many people, including me, refer the “they” when they are describing a bad thing that happened or will happen. It’s human nature to do this so it is notContinue readingWho Are “They”?
Cutting A Hologram In Half
I’ve long heard that a hologram is a unique artifact as the whole is contained in its parts, and I was always confused as to how this could be possible.Continue readingCutting A Hologram In Half
Archimedes Antikythera & Time Travel
As a fan of the prior Indiana Jones movies I had to see the new one, and was pleasantly surprised by the underlying historical themes in it, and these wereContinue readingArchimedes Antikythera & Time Travel
Kundalini Is What They Are All After
What is it that is it that humans are after spiritually? What is that magic which exists at the core of major world religions? What is the secret that isContinue readingKundalini Is What They Are All After