So it has taken me a while to figure this one out, but I think I’m now there. The movie is not perfect and has some failings in its propsContinue readingLonglegs Movie Analysis
Preventing Whistleblower Suicide
Off the back of another whistleblower ending up dead, who seemingly had information dangerous to an organisation they worked for, I wanted to write about two reasons that I knowContinue readingPreventing Whistleblower Suicide
The Link Between Fictional Harkers
So the more perceptive among you will know my surname is Harker and I write about esoteric, occult, religious, and philosophical things that most people don’t even think about. I’veContinue readingThe Link Between Fictional Harkers
The Naked Truth
Decades ago now, some people believed that greater availability information would lead to humanity becoming more enlightened and truthful. The internet was an expression of this with a free sharingContinue readingThe Naked Truth
A New Idea Of Evil?
I’ve just had a chat with AI about a subject which it says is novel, now I’m not at all sure it is correct but it was enough for meContinue readingA New Idea Of Evil?
AI And Misinformation
I’ve just had a chat with AI about misinformation after watching an interview: You said:“I’m bored, really. I’m just watching a Yuhal Noah Harari video.”ChatGPT said:Sounds like a bit ofContinue readingAI And Misinformation
Are We Two Species?
Traditionally humans have all been regarded as the same species, and differences in homonid have been have been relegated to the animal kingdom. However when one looks at the worldContinue readingAre We Two Species?
This Is What You Asked For
Today has been horrible for me, full of frustration and little progress, but the worst part of the day has been these signs that I keep seeing which indicate toContinue readingThis Is What You Asked For
The Giver – An Analysis
So I’ve just finished reading a coming of age book called The Giver by Lois Lowry, which was synchronistically introduced to me the other day. I was intrigued that thisContinue readingThe Giver – An Analysis
I Created A Kundalini ChatGPT
A GPT is a generative pre-trained transformer as popularised by OpenAI. The Chat part is that it can be talked with in a near human interaction way. These have beenContinue readingI Created A Kundalini ChatGPT