Kundalini Psychosis Or Transcendence

Jane 17/08/21: Been thinking about this… 🙂 To me a psychosis and a psychodrama seem to be very similar and like a period of uncontrollable energy. I think that the difference with a major Kundalini episode is that energy surges through the body not just the mind with the goal being an activation of the…

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Order Out Of Chaos

Jane 02/06/21: O.K. so I am firmly back in my own place again but as yet I do not know what the coordinates are? Lol. Like I say, I can clearly define phases on my path by my experiences. Some in weeks, months and others in years, now I have got my head around it I…

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I have questions :)

Jane 18/05/21: So when I compare myself pre awakening to now I am basically a completely different person. It was what I could only describe as a total transformation of a human being. Is that how it felt for you?   Laz 18/05/21: In one respect, yes. That of my internal being. I now view the…

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Laz 20/04/21: So i’ve just come across 144000 theory, are you aware of it and do you place any credence in it’s existence? Jane 20/04/21: I have been going with my flow and for the past couple of days I seem to have been doing my acquired practice of prolonged sensory deprivation. I tend to…

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Obsessive Bug

Jane 18/04/21: Subject: The “bug” in my head explained. The “obsessive bug” in my head is….. Topic: KUNDALINI. Source is the ultimate addiction. It goes a bit like this…..What is this force? How much of it can a human vehicle take? How much of it can an alien take? What can it potentially be used for? What could I possibly do…

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Sexual Desire

Jane 05/04/21: Do you mind me discussing something personal with you? Sexual desire.  Following my major Kundalini episode I was quite surprised when I discover that I had lost all volitional sexual desire, just not there anymore. I would have put it down to an age thing but prior to that experience I was pretty active…

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Jane 29/03/21: This is interesting, it is talking about a concept in the old true good secret societies teachings on how they “operated”. Using alcohol and a state of trance. I think for me the alcohol acts as a “male” ally, the weed a “female” ally.  You need a male aspect for any stimulus. And both…

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Past Lives And Reincarnation

Jane 22/03/21: As I see it and understand it the main body of so called evidence for past lives is from children who record past life experiences in their conscious awareness. They are still plugged in to the higher realms and still connected to source. Until their ego comes in at around ages 7/8 where they…

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Saw this and thought of you :)

Laz 21/03/21: Probably more accurate than many religions! Jane 21/03/21: I absolutely love that! You are so right. It would have the emotional orthodox Christians in a right spin. It cracks me up how that is the kind of thing that has these kind of retards today making death threats! Funny how egos want everything that…

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The Impossible Dream

Jane 19/03/21: From my diary – 2012. My consciousness had reached the star Sirius ☆, it took 8 and a half years. I was gobsmacked to later learn that Sirius is 8.6 lightyears away? So I think my consciousness was travelling at the speed of light?  I’m going to stop saying “this sounds crazy” about everything to…

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