Jane 05/04/21:
Do you mind me discussing something personal with you? Sexual desire.
Following my major Kundalini episode I was quite surprised when I discover that I had lost all volitional sexual desire, just not there anymore. I would have put it down to an age thing but prior to that experience I was pretty active in that department. Lol. Do you think that is because the energy needs to be redirected and used in a different way?
I can feel Kundalini energy in different chakras and to begin with it was extremely sexual +++ but it seems the goal for me anyway was to learn to balance it evenly between all of them so instead of the energy being focused in that lower chakra I had to get it firing on all cylinders. Lol. I kind of became A-sexual???
Laz 05/04/21:
I can relate to that, I had this notion that came out of somewhere that I was to become celibate as a result of awakening. And this has come to pass, my wife has no time or energy for it any more, and as a result I don’t get any.
It was a weird transition with having babies and no opportunity, to them getting older and having the opportunity and her saying that she wouldn’t do it with them around, to finally having no desire. We tried for a few years to maintain it, but it sort of fell by the wayside of other things.
I knew it was to be this way, so I don’t push things any more, although we occasionally joke about it. I spiritually feel that I have done my job as a male, we have two children and that is the way it was meant to be. The little pleasure it brings anyway is in no way comparable to the Kundalini surge!
I’ve read about Kundalini requiring sexual energy, and of people feeling that drawing up the spine of the the reproductive juices, but can honestly say that I have not experienced any difference before or after awakening. Perhaps it helps those who are struggling to awaken Kundalini, to awaken it? But for me the two feel disconnected, no matter what I’ve read to the contrary. I’ve not found a difference through abstinence at all!
I have noticed a connection through water though, being in a bath will definitely bring spiritual balance and insight to me, which I had not expected to be a thing 🙂
Jane 05/04/21:
Yes I can understand your situation. Fyi, I was like your wife until my daughter grew up and I found weed but that was because I had become extremely frigid. It was psychological. Kundalini doesn’t do frigid. Lol.
“Perhaps it helps those who are struggling to awaken Kundalini, to awaken it?” I laughed at that statement, I will be completely honest with you here, in my psychodrama event just before my “hit” to the brain I had 27 orgasms that day!!! They just kept on coming (excuse the pun)
I didn’t have a clue if I was meant to be suppressing the energy or releasing it. I just did what I felt was right. Since the loss of volitional sexual desire, I have to “play” at sex now. I must admit that droned, I am a pretty good player. Lol I put my intention in place, input data…run programme. Lmao. automatically. I make the effort because I know how important it is for physical, mental and emotional health now especially to someone like my husband.
When I say I have no “volitional” sexual energy/activity that is not to say I don’t have a really good sex life! I am just not reliant on another human being for it….
Water though, that is really interesting to me as I know my friend had a thing about water, baths, showers having a similar effect.
Laz 05/04/21:
I’ve often wondered if the Kundalini experience is a levelling of the field when it comes to orgasm, and whether the male vs female orgasm is nullified by Kundalini. I could equally say I have experienced 27 orgasms in a row and I wonder if this is the same as the female experience of regular non Kundalini multiple orgasm? If not, how does pre and post differ?
Jane 05/04/21:
Well you may find it interesting too that when I had those 27 orgasms, it was so bizarre! I never could get my head around it. Because they came as double events. The first one would feel like it was being experienced from a female perspective then straight afterwards it felt like I was experiencing one from a male perspective. This happened 13 times. Then the final one was felt as a neutral one?
Sorry can you elaborate on your last question. I don’t quite understand.
Laz 05/04/21:
So I’m just wondering if pre awakening sexual orgasm is the same for you as post awakening non-sexual orgasm? You’ve kind of eluded to it in your last email I think, where you describe experiencing the male version, and I think I have experienced the female one!
Jane 05/04/21:
Kundalini changes everything. Pre awakening I experienced sex and orgasms in the lower realms only. Basic. Mind and body stuff. Just lust and to get off! Now they are whole and flood every realm simultaneously, mind, body, spirit and up to the divine. It’s not just about sex. now it feels like making the sweetest love with source! The perfect lover. Lmao.
I must tell you this, I have noticed a new “skill” recently, if you could call it that. It is still not volitional as in I don’t have intention but sometimes I have a thought put in my mind then I can do it with just a thought! That’s novel and new to me. I didn’t realise that my mind was so powerful? Lol
For you to feel the female and multiple orgasms is interesting as it just verification for me and suggests you are right about Kundalini nullifying the male and female sexual energies. I think on every level that is exactly what it does!
Laz 05/04/21:
By skill, do you mean orgasm?
This is what I call the non sexual orgasm 🙂 It is from the source, not from manipulation of genitals!
Jane 05/04/21:
Ok, I did wonder what you meant by that. Yes, it kind of blew my mind the first time it happened. It did happen just the once during my experience but hadn’t since. And it was really difficult to do years ago. And the post orgasmic bliss is so much better. Lol Do you experience that? Do you ejeculate? …just curious. Lol.
Laz 05/04/21:
No, no ejaculation. I guess it goes inward?
Jane 05/04/21:
Yes I have heard of that in males, but do you still experience in your body the orgasmic contractions ?
Laz 05/04/21:
No, it is not muscular at all and I could be lead perfectly still.
I wish I could say I had practiced for years or something and finally achieved a goal! but alas I’ve no idea where it comes form or what it is for. Best I can come up with is that this is a form of communication 🙂
Jane 05/04/21:
Ok another curiosity…So you have these non sexual orgasms. Do you still also have sexual ones? Do you still masturbate? You can tell me to mind my own business if you are uncomfortable with the questions. Lol I know I can get a bit too much for some people but my curiosity knows no bounds 🙂
Laz 05/04/21:
Yes, and yes. I’m an open book, you can ask me anything 🙂