Jane 19/03/21:
From my diary – 2012. My consciousness had reached the star Sirius ☆, it took 8 and a half years. I was gobsmacked to later learn that Sirius is 8.6 lightyears away? So I think my consciousness was travelling at the speed of light?
I’m going to stop saying “this sounds crazy” about everything to you now. I think we are on the same wavelength?
Laz 19/03/21:
I would say we are on the same wavelength 🙂 I like the line from your notes “Indigenous aliens”, that has sent my mind reeling! That’s playing on all my thinking about not being the same as these drone human beings around us!
I’ve always had this connection with Orion, and I know Sirius and Orion often come up in ancient alien circles. I think our consciousnesses can travel anywhere instantaneously 🙂
I must thank you for kicking me into gear, as i’ve started assembling the pieces for my third account and I am writing again! 🙂Oh yes, on the impossible dream front, my personal favorite version is this one:
You can blame my age, but this was my first introduction to the song back in the 1990’s 🙂
Jane 19/03/21:
Good! I look forward to reading it 🙂
Laz 19/03/21:
I’d better get on with the book then 🙂
Jane 19/03/21:
Love the version of the impossible dream.
I seem to “losing my mind” again. I don’t mean in a crazy way but as in losing focus in 3D. My newspapers are being left unread, no interest in news or TV. I am just not here.
I am not sleeping much or eating much. I feel hungry but nauseous at the same time. When I do sleep for a very short period I am waking up drenched in sweat. The transition from being asleep to awake is not a smooth one. A part of my consciousness is taking a bit longer to come in and readjust to this 3D realm. My mind absolutely has it’s own agenda, but not one it let’s me know about first.
I am just going with the flow without resistance. It’s great to have someone who gets me again, to confide in 🙂 Another reason that I feel truly like an alien that doesn’t belong on this planet is because I don’t resonate with the frequencies anymore. I am hypersensitive in the physical and sensory senses. Just as I grounded and my brainwaves sped up, I developed hyperaccusis, my ears feel like radars, the vibrations of sound can be horrendous. Especially motor engines like lawn mowers, car engines, planes etc. The sound waves feel like bullets hitting my central nervous system and it is painful. Thank God someone invented earplugs or I would have been destroyed. Think kryptonite to superman:)
The people around me can be like my torturers with their activities but they are innocent and oblivious to that fact. They are just going about their daily lives, I am the one who doesn’t belong here. My life would be so much easier if I could shut down my bats ears 😀
Laz 19/03/21:
I’m getting a little concerned that our conversations are going to lead to you to take a break form everything again. Shall we take a little email break to help you readjust, like a few days?
Jane 19/03/21:
Thank you for your concerns but I have looked up my symptoms and it is the same as altitude sickness. I don’t know if I can take a break from emails because I don’t have control. If something comes into my mind that I feel I want to tell you then I do it on autopilot. It’s like a “flow”
This is about detaching from the matrix – not you! I don’t even see communicating with you as being in that dimension. I think I just need to acclimatise again. Dimensional switching is never easy. I will try to take a break for a few days but don’t be surprised if I am not able to 🙂
Laz 19/03/21:
Well i’m always happy to find an email from you in my inbox, so i’m not going to push you 🙂
Jane 20/03/21:
I told my doctor when I had been stuck in bed for a year that it was happening to me because I had a mission to prove God exists. He thought I was crazy. But that was the “hallelujah” moment I reached at the end of those notes where I said “I rest my ‘case God lives!”
I was basically saying it to the likes of him. As the information I have already sent to you explains that minds are usually left scientific or right more intuitive.

This needs a balance for illumination. Einstein was one of the few rare scientific philosophers and his dying regret was that he couldn’t prove God’s existence. Well here is how I did it. I told you how I used weed and my own inner psychotherapist on my path. I also trained in shamanism and I used it for spiritual purposes.
Ok, get this, remember I have no control…I am a multidimensional being. Fully functioning. We have multiple bodies/realms. Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, higher abstract mental, divine. I would use weed, stimulate my chakras for the energy then focus my conscious awareness on thoughts, emotions, words, music, imagination and read the lyrics on screen.
The music “played”…me! I would create a purposeful induced alternative state in my head of experiencing and believing in the moments I was feeling in the flowing with the energies of the song. The kundalini energy like electricity flowing through every cell of my body and mind, it felt like being taken over and yet you are the conductor, writer, composer, choreographer as well as different instruments being played felt in different parts of the body. A piano very different to a string instrument. A bit like a self contained holographic unit. I have told you I just learned the crafts but I wasn’t allowed to volitionally practice anything. I had no idea that I was trained into using something akin to Voudon, but only the Good side of philosophy and magic.
Laz 20/03/21:
Love this statement 🙂
Jane 20/03/21:
Sometimes I would focus on an image or watch a video. Once I had recognised what I was doing and accepted it in truth for what it was, I ended up affectionately terming it as “God’s voodoo” 🙂 And I would laugh to think how to most matrix mind misperceptions that would sound like sheer Heresy! I would be burned at the stake! Don’t forget I was born on Halloween. Lol.
Laz 20/03/21:
God’s voodoo indeed, and i’m sure i would be burned along with you 🙂
Jane 20/03/21:
I love nothing more than laughing at the obvious paradoxes you can see once you have transcended duality and had that complete dimensional paradigm shift into a new dimension/perspective. A song example.
This method I have actually felt my physical being “become” the embodiment of the planet and sent orgasm waves of energy through it as well as out to the universe on this one! Home
Laz 20/03/21:
Me too 🙂
Jane 20/03/21:
References Voodoo: Facts About Misunderstood Religion By Benjamin Radford – Live Science Contributor October 30, 2013
Voodoo is a sensationalized pop-culture caricature of voudon, an Afro-Caribbean religion that originated in Haiti, though followers can be found in Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Brazil, the United States and elsewhere. It has very little to do with so-called voodoo dolls or zombies. Voudon refers to “a whole assortment of cultural elements: personal creeds and practices, including an elaborate system of folk medical practices; a system of ethics transmitted across generations [including] proverbs, stories, songs, and folklore… voudon is more than belief; it is a way of life,” wrote Leslie Desmangles, a Haitian professor at Hartford’s Trinity College in “The Encyclopedia of the Paranormal” (Prometheus Books, 1996).Voudon teaches belief in a supreme being called Bondye, an unknowable and uninvolved creator god. Voudon believers worship many spirits (called loa), each one of whom is responsible for a specific domain or part of life. So, for example, if you are a farmer you might give praise and offerings to the spirit of agriculture; if you are suffering from unrequited love, you would praise or leave offerings for Erzulie Freda, the spirit of love, and so on. In addition to helping (or impeding) human affairs, loa can also manifest themselves by possessing the bodies of their worshipers.Followers of voudon also believe in a universal energy and a soul that can leave the body during dreams and spirit possession. In Christian theology, spiritual possession is usually considered to be an act of evil, either Satan or some demonic entity trying to enter an unwilling human vessel. In voudon, however, possession by loa is desired. In a ceremony guided by a priest or priestess, this possession is considered a valuable, first-hand spiritual experience and connection with the spirit world.
Laz 20/03/21:
Very impressed that you trained in shamanism! that’s awesome 🙂 I got all my training from Don Juan 🙂
The more I look into different spiritual belief systems the more they all look the same, and then there’s Kundalini, the revealer of this knowledge. I call my self a Polysolipsist, most recently I entered this into my census form online. Many one Gods!
Jane 20/03/21:
Ok, so I think I may have the answer to something that has been really puzzling me lately. I am detaching from everything again so I think I know why I cannot shut down this OCD. It can drive me a bit crazy, but I know source is utilising it so I know I just have to accept and allow and go with the flow without resistance. It is almost constant that I just cannot get our emails, conversations or correspondences out of my mind….All is consciousness, all is mind. I think it’s because this “symptom” in my mind is being utilised to form an energy line, like a new neural network/pathway so I don’t let go of the connection in my conscious awareness as I let everything else go.
That connection will allow me to go back somewhat , but also stay anchored to you. If that makes sense? I don’t actually think our relationship/connection is of the matrix world? It’s a “closertogod.net”👽👽 role on floor laughing my arse off!
Laz 20/03/21:
Our relationship is clearly “through the matrix”, this email is in the matrix. I’d love to establish an out of the matrix communication channel if possible 🙂
It’s funny how we as a species need to believe in something, and when we do we become zealots for that belief and no amount of factual items presented to us can persuade us otherwise. Like your doctor and his belief in “science” it’s like 180 degrees from the middle ages and their unwavering belief in Christianity. They go to such lengths as to harm people to prove they are correct in their beliefs. The real mental patient part is the in trying to prove they are right they always move away from the core principles of their beliefs and become tyrants! My trip into the mental health system showed me how narrow doctors thinking is, of how they cannot look outside of of their training, and of how they just want you to go away and take their drugs. It’s so singular in it’s answer and I hate it.
My trip into the mental health system showed me how narrow doctors thinking is, of how they cannot look outside of of their training, and of how they just want you to go away and take their drugs. It’s so singular in it’s answer and i hate it.
With societies limited understanding comes the need to be tutored and be in a congregation to talk to “god”, society has told us lies from its power hierarchy and subjugation of underlings whom are not worthy.
Jane 20/03/21:
Can you send me a link for a decent article on Don Juan please. I laughed out loud when I read he was a “womaniser” is that the same guy?
Laz 20/03/21:
No, there are two, the popular culture Don Juan is a womanizer, the one I referring to is a shaman:
Jane 20/03/21:
Whoa, I can’t put this down. I have never read such a spot on account of my own path….ever! Well I have my OCD reading material for the rest of today 🙂 It is incredibly how this path comes from within!