Jane 10/09/21:

"He told me that some of the pyramids were gigantic not-doings. They were not lodgings but places for warriors to do their dreaming and exercise their second attention. Whatever they did was recorded in drawings and figures that were put on the walls"

So this is what I was talking about regards the concept of burying people for 3 days, as a ritual or initiation, the Egyptians used  to put them in a sarcophagus, the pyramids were structured multi-layered the way they are as a kind of multidimensional construct of the underworld, middle world and higher world. Their practice with the goal of transcending into the top section, reaching enlightenment and gaining the all seeing eye of Ra the sun god that the illuminati and other groups incorporated into their belief system. 

Laz 12/09/21:

Is he talking about Egypt though, maybe this is the Mayan/Incan/Aztec Temples?

Jane 10/09/21:

The great pyramid was built to synchronize with Sirius by aligning an airshaft that connected to the queenโ€™s chamber. The light of the star would be able to shine into the queenโ€™s chamber to cast a beam upon an initiate during a special ritual (Sirius is associated with the goddess Isis). The Kingโ€™s chamber is aligned with the star Orion, which is associated with the god Osiris, her husband. A selected high priest would stand under the focused light while meditating during a ceremony; he would then apparently achieve some sort of higher level of consciousness/advanced knowledge.

Laz 12/09/21:

I have an Orion constellation on my belly made of moles! I didn’t realise this was a thing until the other day when I saw on twitter that other people were discussion their constellations in skin markings ๐Ÿ™‚

Jane 10/09/21:

"We were crossing, or rather Silvio Manuel was making us cross, the parallel lines. That bridge is a power spot, a hole in this world, a door to the other. We went through it. It must have hurt us to go through, because my body is scared. Silvio Manuel was waiting for us on the other side. None of us remembers his face, because Silvio Manuel is the darkness and never would he show his face. We could see only his eyes."
"One eye," Rosa said quietly, and looked away" 

I am not sure, but could this be a similar thing? Referring to the one eye? 

Laz 12/09/21:

I mean it’s a bit tenuous ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m not convinced that the Egyptian pyramids and the south American ones are linked in any spiritual sense. Rather the pyramid is simply how you build high when your building material is stone.

Jane 12/09/21:

To my understanding the pyramid, as with most spiritual structures I have studied, is a symbolic structure of ourselves and represents consciousness. 

Jane 10/09/21:

"They are not men, but women," he said. 
"That pyramid is the center of order and stability. Those figures are its four corners; they are the four winds, the four directions. They are the foundation, the basis of the pyramid. They have to be women, mannish women, if you want to call them that"

So does this mean women who are balanced with their male? Or maybe the androgyny thing? I mean, what exactly is a mannish woman? Lmao. 

Laz 12/09/21:

I would say so, yes. What was Lord Krishna if not a womanish man ๐Ÿ™‚

Jane 10/09/21:

"How did don Juan explain those visions?" I asked her.
"He said that she no longer had defenses," Nestor said. 
"And because of that she could pick up that man's fixation, his second attention, which had been poured into that rock. 

"The Nagual told me that the second attention is the most fierce thing there is," she said. 
"If it is focused on objects, there is nothing more horrendous." 

So this reminds me of my sister, she has psychic abilities in that she can pick up other people’s energy and experiences especially those who were ill or dying. It is not a particularly pleasant thing for her at times and she cannot switch it off. I used to think that she was exaggerating it until I witnessed it in action for myself. 

As you know I was going through hell on earth being forced to ground by the signal of a constant 24/7 noise vibration that was acting like kryptonite on me. My hearing had expanded to the point that it incorporate a nearby factory. It went on for 6 months and I was having seizures, I couldn’t escape it other than by using zopiclone.  Literally knocking myself out! 

My sister visited me and sat and held my hand. She immediately drew back stood up and moved away she cupped her ears and yelled….what the hell is that noise! 

She started to tremor and her whole body seemed to go into seizures as she stood there. I was gobsmacked and tried to cut the cord between us symbolically, it was horrendous to watch. Worse still she knew exactly what I was going through then and knew nothing was going to change for me until we moved house. 

Laz 12/09/21:

I’m sorry to read this ๐Ÿ™ It’s interesting to me to see how siblings behave and what experiences they have, and how they differ. My brother is like 180 degrees polarised from me, and always has been. He hates talking about himself and his learning in life. I have no idea if he’s had experiences from what little he’s told me and the only thing I know is that according to my sister in law he came over all funny in a church once and had to leave. That indicates a leaning to me, but I know nothing more. However I do know that he’s cozied up to Hollywood types and have photos of him and my sister in law with famous actors and producers in LA. It’s disappointing to me, given all the rumours about what they get up to in LA ๐Ÿ™

Jane 10/09/21:

They told me that don Juan and don Genaro had disappeared from the face of the earth, and so had Eligio. The women and the men believed that the three of them had not died - they had entered another world, different from the world of our everyday life, yet equally real

So I am remembering what life was like for me. To others there was no recognition other than my usual isolation and detachment, I was still functioning on the lowest most basic level but it was almost like being in a permanent trance. I guess an altered state of awareness for 7 years. My mind just was not here at all. I could not focus my awareness on anything. That gravitational pull was not there so my consciousness just drifted by the magnetic pull from above. 
That is why the reversal of that was so bloody difficult. Torture! 

Laz 12/09/21:

Yes, that must have been hard.

Jane 10/09/21:

"The Atlanteans are the nagual; they are dreamers. They represent the order of the second attention brought forward, that's why they're so fearsome and mysterious. They are creatures of war but not of destruction" 

What I know about the Atlanteans comes from the mythology on the lost city of Atlantis.

Laz 12/09/21:

I think Atlantis is a genetic memory of another planet ๐Ÿ™‚

Jane 10/09/21:

The philosopher Plato’s story…..where an advanced civilisation of people lived in a peaceful utopia where the enlightened ruled until greed and corruption caused chaos and wars. It was symbolic of a perfect utopia with a warning. It was one of those archetypal perfect examples to follow that never really existed. 

"I suddenly found myself, without knowing how, outside my room. I glided out of the room without hesitation, since I did not have to act out the motions of opening a door or walking in order to move. The hall and staircase were not as enormous as they appeared to be the first time. I glided through with great ease and ended up in the street where I willed myself to move three blocks I had gotten out of my room by gliding out of it as if the door had been open.
All I needed was to recall that feeling of gliding and suddenly I was out in the street" 

I remember doing this not long after finally moving house, over a period of about a week in my dream state, they were short naps during the day.  I guess it was a kind of lucid dreaming because I was in control of what I was doing. 
I was floating around my bedroom the first couple of times then I controlled it enough to go downstairs, it was a strange experience. I had forgotten about ๐Ÿ™‚

Laz 12/09/21:

I’ve had similar experiences, but I placed them in the astral projection camp myself, due to the fact that I was also having them in the day and while I was dozing/day dreaming. I’ve exclusively never had them at night. Not sure if that means anything?

Jane 12/09/21:

Yes you are right they probably were astral. 

Jane 10/09/21

"The Nagual told me that there was a natural crack on that spot. He said that certain power spots are holes in this world; if you are formless you can go through one of those holes into the unknown, into another world. That world and this world we live in are on two parallel lines" 

Sounds just like a portal. Lol. 

Laz 12/09/21:

I’ve searched all over for them where ever I’ve travelled, in cathedrals, ancient sites and monuments, places supposedly haunted, but never found one, sadly ๐Ÿ™ The closest I’ve come to one is my mother in law’s house, which is where most of my experiences occurred, and coincidentally is where I am writing from now ๐Ÿ™‚

Jane 10/09/21:

"I started off with the idea that for me knowledge was fused with words. I told them that it was my earnest belief that if an event or experience was not formulated into a concept, it was condemned to dissipate;"

This is kind of how I feel about my experiences. 

Laz 12/09/21:

I feel slightly differently, and agree that I have this need to document them for posterity and it annoys me when people tell you these vague stories without the detail and especially when they say “it was beyond words” as this smacks of a lie to me.

I’ve never found the lack of words a problem in communicating what happened to me, we have large vocabularies. However I’m not sure I must write them down to make them real, and feel that my experiences would be as fresh in my mind as the day they occurred if I hadn’t written them on my website. Maybe it’s true of others with a small vocabulary and/or bad memories ๐Ÿ˜€

Jane 12/09/21:

I am not saying that i need to write things down to make them real but to comprehend them. What I mean is that I have had experiences that I had no terminology for until I learned more about it. I personally need to put a concept to it for it to make sense especially if it has come as a process. Like kundalini itself, unknown phenomena to me until I could research it. I did not even realise that some of what I was describing to you was shamanism. I was unaware I had had a 40 day kundalini experience until some time later as without my being able to piece things together it did not make sense to me ๐Ÿ™

Even transcendence to me without understanding the concept felt like autism as that was the only way my rational mind could explain it before I got the chance to research it. 

Jane 10/09/21:

He thought that going over the parallel lines in full awareness meant a final step for all of them, a step to be taken only when they were ready to disappear from this earth.
He apologized because what he was going to say was not something he had remembered or felt but a conclusion based on everything he knew. He said that he saw no problem in understanding what the women said had happened on that bridge. It had been, Pablito maintained, a matter of being compelled to cross from the right side, the tonal, to the left side, the nagual. What had scared everyone was the fact that someone else was in control, forcing the crossing

I can completely relate to their predicament that I did not have on the way out, but definitely felt forced on the way back.

Suddenly I had a horde of angry sorcerers on me. It took me a long time to explain my need to examine from every possible point of view something so strange and engulfing as our experience on the bridge. 

I laughed at this imagining dealing with all of that lot!  Lmao. 

Laz 12/09/21:

Do you mean dealing with the angry sorcerers, or the the overthinking about what happened? I know I would have surely been overthinking about that anger on the bridge, and whether I was secretly in league with Silvio Manuel, for days!

Jane 12/09/21:

I meant the horde of sourcerers, looking at the 7 different personalities all looking angrily towards him.

Jane 22/09/21:

"Without knowing how or even realizing what had happened, I found myself in a most unfamiliar state. I felt detached, unbiased"     
A strange peace had become the ruling force in my life. I felt I had somehow adopted one of the concepts of a warrior's life - detachment. La Gorda said that I had done more than adopt it; I had actually embodied it

I can definitely relate to this, I know I have gone on a bit about this stage but it was quite profound for me it was the strangest feeling and how I came to know what unconditional meant, in things like love and acceptance. It was a perception for the all not just my family. In the strangest way by detaching from them I actually felt a much more genuine love. It was far less emotional and controlling.

Laz 23/09/21:

As can I, it was significant in my journey so write as much as you like about it ๐Ÿ™‚

Jane 22/09/21:

I guess it was because it wasn’t coming from the attachment that had been coming primarily from an ego kind of love that always comes with conditions. So if you have never been a part of the hive mind maybe you never experienced hive like attachment and that was something specifically that I had to detach from? To me it felt like everything I cared about including humanity, I had to detach from.      

Laz 23/09/21:

I can’t say that I haven’t and this has largely been your view of me, but I certainly had to detach from whatever pre-awakening state I was in. Maybe I was fortunate that at a you age, just 13, I learnt the value of thinking for myself after going along with friends on a foolish act of standing against authority and getting in lots of trouble. 

Jane 23/09/21:

This could definitely be it, I was of the delusional impression that I was independent in thinking for myself but it turned out I was not until I reached 40! Up until when, I had become so embedded in the hive. From my teenage years I would go along with others, getting into trouble, etc.  but I never learned at that stage. You developed morals much earlier than me.  

Jane 22/09/21

Having a sense of detachment, as don Juan had said, entails having a moment's pause to reassess situations       
I could not be sure whether or not my volition played a role, but all of a sudden my sadness vanished; it was as if it had never existed. The speed of my change of mood and its thoroughness alarmed me

I find this a huge benefit, it is a bit like letting things go, after a very short review of a situation regardless how difficult they may seem, e.g. If it includes finances lost I will say oh well, it’s only money, and it is not just lip service because I sincerely mean it. I erase it from my mind. I have a firm belief that everything happens for a reason backed up by my personal experiences and so that has become my go to position. It is incredible the things I can simply come to terms with rapidly because I know that to stress over or dwell on stuff we have no control over is an absolute waste of energy… 

Laz 23/09/21:

Yep, me too. It’s strange now to watch Ali stress over little things now, things that I really couldn’t care less about, whether it’s some slight disrespect that she received from a colleague at work, or being unable to say no to her sister for fear of upsetting her. Once you’ve witnessed the epic scale of consciousness in the universe and felt that unconditional love, nothing affects you anymore, or maybe I should say that little things have a little effect as they correctly should.

Jane 22/09/21:

It easier for us to realize that on the right side too much energy and time is consumed in the actions and interactions of our daily life. On the left side, on the other hand, there is an inherent need for economy and speed

That is what I believe I put to use in my daily life so that I don’t waste energy. In esoteric teachings I think it is referred to as the law of economy.      

She insisted that my affiliation with Silvio Manuel was at the crux of the matter. He said that while Silvio Manuel was on this earth he was like Eligio. He disappeared once without leaving a trace and went into the other world. He was gone for years; then one day he returned. The Nagual said that Silvio Manuel did not remember where he'd been or what he'd done, but his body had been changed. He had come back to the world, but he had come back in his other self.

What does it mean here by his other self, is this referring to the astral body? Like an apparition?   

Laz 23/09/21:

I don’t think so, maybe it was his clearing of his island of the Tonal while he was away.

Jane 22/09/21:

But Silvio Manuel went to the source itself. He tapped it. He didn't have to learn the intent of anything. He was one with intent. The problem was that he had no more desires because intent has no desire of its own, so he had to rely on the Nagual for volition. In other words, Silvio Manuel could do anything the Nagual wanted. The Nagual directed Silvio Manuel's intent. But since the Nagual had no desires either, most of the time they didn't do anything.

I know he was mentioned before, but I am confused as to who Silvio Manuel is? Can you give me more of an idea on this? I googled it and it says he and Don Juan were shaman but I am still non the wiser ๐Ÿ™‚ Or is that information still yet to come?    

Laz 23/09/21:

I believe he is another Yaqui Indian sorcerer and in the same circle of indians as Juan and Genaro. I don’t remember him being too significant in the philosophy of Castaneda.

Jane 22/09/21:

At any given time don Juan might give me a blow on my back. I always felt the blow on my spine, high between my shoulder blades. An extraordinary clarity would follow. In her opinion, the gulps of air that she had to take after being struck were what made the difference, yet she could not explain in what way breathing would affect her perception and awareness

So when Yung says “The method of teaching pupils that I described to you last week, where the teacher used the whip, in order that their feelings of anger and suffering would make the pupils remember…” I know Don’s methods did not produce pain as such but is this that similar kind of shock method? If such methods were used today I would imagine we could end up with knowledgeable but psychological wrecks! ๐Ÿ˜€

Laz 23/09/21:

Sure, it’s like that ABC technique where the teacher bangs the desk as he calls out the letters, it’s basically creating PTSD in the students, which both makes it memorable and fearful, sadly. So much of our past has been learning through pain and I’m pleased that schools toady are more enlightened about human psychology and use other ways.

Jane 23/09/21:

Absolutely agree, I am really impressed how schools have become so much more enlightened, comparing my school era, with Kelly’s and now my grandson’s ๐Ÿ™‚   

Laz 23/09/21:

This is what we’ve had for decades! Just look at our so called leaders ๐Ÿ™ Our history of British authority comes from repeating bullying behaviour as a revenge for what one suffered themselves when they were younger. People get the bravery knocked out of them and just do as they are told. Well, some do!

Jane 23/09/21:

Yes the worst kind are those who lack emotional intelligence and stability they make knee jerk reactions that are never good for anyone.ย  Think Bush and Blair.ย My Husband and I talked about this and his committed loyalty when he was in the military, I tell him I don’t know how your conscience could allow you to fight a war you don’t agree with?ย 

His argument is that you sign up for your country so have to!ย I pointed out that this is because you lose your individual minds by being brainwashed from 17, and that mentality becomes the norm.ย Military hive of hierarchical control. So I think even bravery gets hijacked.ย He did agree with me eventually. Bless him.ย  Lol.ย 

Laz 23/09/21:

Yes, I feel the military minds at work in the general population too now, and recognise it as I grew up in a military environment. Two companies ago now, my boss accused me of insubordination, and I was like “What? we’re not in the bloody army” but we are going that way, North Korea for all, yay! ๐Ÿ™

Jane 23/09/21:

Sorry, I know this was meant to beย  serious but it made me laugh.

Laz 23/09/21:

No worries

Laz Authors