Kundalini Psychosis Or Transcendence

Jane 17/08/21: Been thinking about this… πŸ™‚ To me a psychosis and a psychodrama seem to be very similar and like a period of uncontrollable energy. I think that the difference with a major Kundalini episode is that energy surges through the body not just the mind with the goal being an activation of the…

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Journey To Ixtlan : The Lessons Of Don Juan

Jane 17/08/21: I had never really considered the definitive stages of consciousness evolution as taught by Don Juan’s philosophy of hunter, warrior, sorcerer and man of knowledge. But it makes sense that at each separate stage there is a marked expansion of consciousness. I suppose it correlates to other teachings like climbing Hawkins scale of consciousness?  …

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A Separate Reality: Further Conversations with Don Juan

Jane 02/08/21: Seeing. So Don talks about “seeing” that Carlos is learning at this point in the books. He often tells him his problem is thinking too much and I understand that as being the very point where Matrix mind logic in shamanics can leave us at a big disadvantage especially by overthinking. Seeing is interpreting…

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This doesn’t happen often

Laz 27/07/21: So I’ve just watched the new Ghostbusters trailer, and I freaked out at this bit (shown in the image) when I saw it. I was like in shock and suddenly felt fear. I know this pit, I’ve stood on the edge of it too, this must be an archetype I wasn’t aware of!…

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Drew Juna: Missing

Jane 26/07/21: So it’s been a while since I read this, more than 5 years and I knew that this story has played a big part in our interwoven paths and history πŸ™‚ As I read it this time I found I was holding the perspective of both characters, that of the teacher and the…

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Female Kundalini

Jane 19/07/21: Thanks for the book, I enjoyed that it was a good read πŸ™‚ It is always interesting to read about other people’s experiences with Kundalini because every one is unique and there are now many out there who are sharing πŸ™‚ I completely agree with the fact that many Kundalini yoga teachers are…

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The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge

Jane 08/07/21: I am a few chapters in and finding this topic fascinating and I must say I am finding Don Juan a bit of a strange one πŸ™‚ Laz 08/07/21: Very strange, like weird to the point of it being enticing! He’s a cantankerous old man who makes me laugh out loud πŸ™‚  Jane 08/07/21:…

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Beyond Order – 12 More Rules For Living – Chapters 1 -6

Jane 03/06/21: Chapter 1. P7 What strikes me already is that this seems to be reading like the “universal laws of humanity” in psychology. How to remain sane (balanced) with the optimum psyche to survive whilst plugged into the matrix aka  live life!  Because I am lost to the matrix and not plugged in it fascinates me…

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Order Out Of Chaos

Jane 02/06/21: O.K. so I am firmly back in my own place again but as yet I do not know what the coordinates are? Lol.Β Like I say, I can clearly define phases on my path by my experiences. Some in weeks, months and others in years, now I have got my head around it I…

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