So I’ve just reached an astonishing realisation, for me anyway! It is that both good and evil have to be chosen voluntarily, as if it is some universal law thatContinue readingAngels and Demons
Selling Your Soul
Selling one’s soul conjures up an image of the devil popping into existence in front of you, and making an offer that you are tempted to take. The devil whichContinue readingSelling Your Soul
Kundalini And Doing Right
Doing the right thing in the face of a huge amount of pressure to do the opposite is one of the challenges we all face in life, so often theContinue readingKundalini And Doing Right
Why Study Kundalini?
I don’t think there is much advertising of Kundalini out there in the world, save for the Hatha yoga variant, so I wanted to put together a little personal salesContinue readingWhy Study Kundalini?
A Leader Without A Plan…
In a recent interview Yuval Noah Harari stated on the topic of the human narritive that: “We don’t have a narrative, I mean we are in this quite unique andContinue readingA Leader Without A Plan…
How People Explain Themselves
I’ve just had an insight to how the the masses think and it is so different from me! So my boss was trying to explain to me how a particularContinue readingHow People Explain Themselves
As human beings we are susceptible to the idea of polarisation, also known as the false dilemma or black and white thinking, essentially this is supporting your team over anotherContinue readingPolarisation
What Is Beyond The Black Rainbow?
This is a 2010 movie which I believe shows the potential dark side of a spiritual awakening through metaphor as its primary aim and secondary to this it shows howContinue readingWhat Is Beyond The Black Rainbow?
Why Good Must Organise
“Evil” has this natural ability to organise and to act as a collective. “Good” does not.“Evil” in the world can be looked upon scientifically as a number of factors inContinue readingWhy Good Must Organise
The Pentaverate – A Confession
So I’ve just watched this new Mike Myers series, and overall it was okay, it had a style a bit like The Prisoner, and a Charlie and the Chocolate factoryContinue readingThe Pentaverate – A Confession