Laz 22/05/21:

Have you ever come across this image? I’ve just discovered it and am blown away by its meaning!

Jane 22/05/21:

Yes, I know it well. The ultimate goal. The perfected human 🙂 

Laz 22/05/21:

Do you know who created it? All I could find was “an ancient alchemist”!

Jane 22/05/21:

I don’t know specifically who created that image. But as with everything else, there are many variations with the same symbolic meaning. It is human alchemy, turning base metal (dense mind) into gold (enlightened mind) so I guess the old ones were all created by “ancient alchemists” depending on the era? 

Laz 22/05/21:

I find it amazing that this knowledge is lost to the majority of us today in our education and story telling. I had intuited this diagram from my experiences but had never put all the parts together like this.

It’s also a bit worrying that this knowledge is missing and the people of today are so far from this idea of perfection 🙁 Maybe it is my destiny to write such a story 🙂

Jane 22/05/21:

Yes, I agree but do you think it was probably easier in a simpler world to achieve? It is very difficult achieving such perfection in todays world. The “plug ins” to the matrix mean there are so many obstacles to overcome. Probably far more than in days of old? I don’t think the knowledge is lost as such, it just takes individual commitment and determination to find.

I believe that by just having the divine intent leads us to the right information. There are a great deal of people who are intensely working on themselves today as old/ancient concepts are being updated for a modern era. I have seen this concept in modern day stuff. 

Yes, maybe you are destined to write the story? I feel no such “direction” to write anything, 🙄🤔 well at least not at the moment 🙂

Laz 22/05/21:

if you know of any current stories that show this achievement of balance and courage, I’d love to know what they are?

I don’t know if it has ever been easy to tread this path, hence the occult nature of this diagram with it’s interpretation only known to a few. It must have been hard back when it was created, and it must have been a closely guarded secret then for it to exist in this esoteric form. As far as I know there is no companion text that goes with it so it must only have been taught by word of mouth to a few. The masses of mankind must always be like a sea of unthinking zombies throughout history 🙁

I agree on the divine intent however, that is the key to everything and without it none of the revelations we have had will be seen 🙂

Jane 22/05/21:

I honestly don’t actually know if this is just yet another archetype? An example of something to embody? I have no modern example of it being attained. 

I did find that the teaching concept is out there for today’s people, e.g. in the book The Light Shall Set You Free, it explains it quite well “androgyny and the fifth dimension” p.118 – 123. Again, please note, I don’t believe everything in that book now I know some of it is religious beliefs and myths, but the basics are there 🙂 

I think that my curiosity is maybe like yours? If the knowledge is for individual enlightenment and the overall progressive evolution of humanity, why would anyone feel the need to make it esoteric? I am not talking about the controlling elite, of course they would want that but I am talking about those who reached enlightenment.

Could it be that they actually didn’t? Because it seems a bit odd to me. The only reason I can think of why an enlightened being would even consider keeping such information quiet would be if there was a possibility that it could be abused? Used for the “dark” side. But I would have thought that the knowledge itself is Incorruptible? So I don’t get that? But I do know that I have been through phases where I recognise that I could have easily been manipulated and influenced by external malevolent forces who maybe knew more about the psychospiritual aspects of my path than I did at that time.  Hence the dangers of the cults and their mentality. 

Laz 22/05/21:

Androgyny and the fifth dimension sounds about right 🙂

I would suggest that like the Christians used the fish as a secret symbol to avoid persecution, maybe the enlightened used that REBIS diagram to do the same? It wouldn’t mean much to the unenlightened, just some weird art and I can’t see how it could be used by darkness! 

Jane 22/05/21:

Yes I agree with you, weird piece of art to most. Only those who could comprehend the symbolism would get it. Elaborate on the fish as a Christian secret symbol to avoid persecution for me please, I am not sure that i am familiar with that?

Laz 22/05/21:

Jane 22/05/21:

Very interesting. 🙂

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