I’ve been thinking about some short term worldwide changes that we will likely see attempted in our lifetimes, and the areas of our lives that will be effected by these changes. There seems to be a collective idea which is pervasive among the parasite class which is driving everything below, and this is best summed up as “there are too many people living on the planet”, and without doubt it seems my generation are making moves to change things that have been long established.
This idea drives all other human behavior from the top down, and essentially we are being forcibly relocated into a new way of thinking about the world and each other so that two things can happen, firstly the NWO can take over with our consent to rule the world, secondly free movement for the masses will be curtailed along with the freedom to think for yourself and hold a view which differs from the majority. These parasites are basically acting like strict parents deciding that we are not fit to rule ourselves or our home.
Here are a few areas affected and while none of this is new to the informed, it is at least my take on a collective look at life:
Psychology – Humans will continue to be coerced into not thinking for themselves and to go along with the herd, under pain of ostracizing from communities. Individuality will be penalised/criminalised, and while there will be an actual legal choice on all matters that is permitted, it will take a very strong individual to go against the their peers/partner/family/boss.
Government – Current forms will be abolished for a single global technocracy. Countries will cease to exist except for hard borders when unrest/pandemics occur, in which case lockdown of areas formally known as countries is likely.
Politics – No politicians will be allowed as they are all self serving liars, who keep revealing their real paymasters accidentally and are not representing the people. Instead a computer driven technocracy will be installed removing humans from the process.
Law – Terrible decisions by law makers will make themselves obsolete, and will be replaced by computer systems. Police are so corrupt that they will also be made obsolete. Lawyers too will have proved that they are not fit for purpose and will be replaced. Instead social credit will rule people (controlled by total surveillance remote arbiters)
AI – Will largely replace humans in the workplace. Video/Images and sound recordings will no longer be proof of something happening or not happening, which will let liars and cheats off the hook in so many scenarios. We will likely move from a position of absolute trust in what happened to a suggested percentage likelihood/probability.
Race – There will be a push for “Grey Humans” without defining characteristics of identity, race, or heritage, so that everyone is the same.
Sex – People to become non-specific non-binary beings, bring down white fertility to balance traditional Caucasian cultural areas, freedom to have sex with whoever whenever will be the mantra without fear of reproduction. Procreation will be strictly controlled by government in a Huxley Bokanovsky-like process.
Religion – A new world religion will replace all others, but will also combine parts of those that are compatible, to yield a “planet first” approach to belief.
Relationships – Will become a fake observance of the rules and responsibilities, partners and families will monitor/score each other.
Immigration – Replacement theory (UN IMO) will make each “world area” balanced with people from all over the planet forced to integrate live with each other. This will bring pain and suffering for a while, but the idea is that people will sort themselves out!
Economy at large – Normalise world economies to make them all equal, introduce UBI, bring failing private ownership into “public” ownership.
Retail – Close all physical stores and replace with online only businesses that have delivery. Online activity will be strictly controlled and uniquely identified to an individual.
Movement/travel – Minimise country residences in preference for city apartments with all amenities in walking distance. Personal car ownership will be banned, prices will be increased and more restrictive rules added to put people off travelling abroad.
Self sufficiency – A removal of rights with respect to gardening, fires, hunting, living off the land. Only the centralised government will provide for people, with the “idea” of making things equal.
Media – only MSM controlled “trusted” narrative allowed, with no independent alternatives.
War – The above is an attempt to stop humans going to war with each other, but paradoxically implementing the above will first require an organised war to level the playing field, and then there will likely be more war as people resist these changes being made!
The Law of unintended consequences – While the above seems to be the plan being pushed on us, and it is a multipolar approach to all areas of our lives at once, it is likely that these ideas will go astray and fail to be implemented as intended. That is simply the way most plans go!