Laz 05/12/21:
So my choice of book recently has been Holy Blood, Holy Grail and in the section about the grail legend I am suddenly struck by connections. I’m not sure what you know about Parzival and his quest for the holy grail, but do you think that the quest is metaphor for the search for Kundalini?
There are some interesting connections. And also could the search for the philosophers stone in alchemy also be a search for Kundalini? If so then we may find a unified theory here, albeit told through 3 very different styles ๐
Jane 06/12/21:
Yes, absolutely I think it is all the same thing. As with the Christ persona that we see put into different stories, films or formats. It is all a rehash of the same teachings. Things like the philosophers stone or holy grail is the same thing for the path of human alchemy.
The philosophers stone was the substance that could turn ordinary base metal into gold, as in an unenlightened consciousness into an enlightened one. So yeah I guess the substance is Kundalini.
Laz 06/12/21:
Or maybe as the path of Raja Yoga is already known, it’s just another name for the unnamed. Maybe I should write this up and give it a new name, a unifying name that brings all of the stories together, like a better version of “The Holy Alchemical Spirit Shakti” !!!
Jane 06/12/21:
“The Holy Alchemical Spirit Shakti” !!! Yeah, bit of a mouthful but sounds like a good description ๐
Jane 06/12/21:
To me all teachings and myths are metaphors. I see them all symbolically not literally. Like pulling the sword from the stone legend is basically saying we could only achieve such a thing if we are vibrating at the required frequencies that match with the sword allowing its release and thus proving ones worthiness. No amount of literal physical strength will do it which is why It cannot be faked.
Laz 06/12/21:
I may be beginning to join you there!
Jane 06/12/21:
There is no discrimination, One is either worthy or they are not! I know that the esoterics was based on the holy grail legends like king Arthur, the knights of the round table and Merlin. I believe the masons were too. I am not sure they recognised it as kundalini but they certainly were attempting to raise it and for the genuine ones the goal was human alchemy.
Laz 06/12/21:
Well to the Christians it would have been the holy spirit moving through them, or the ecstacy of the saints ๐
Jane 06/12/21:
So to me the characteristics and traits we develop on the heroes journey are the alchemical ones involved in the process. Rebis, being the ultimate alchemical goal of the master alchemist. And yes I would say that it is the energy of Kundalini that is utilised in developing those human qualities so, the energy that has been for so long sought after and therefore in this context the holy grail ๐
Laz 06/12/21:
Did Rebis come from Alchemy and I had forgotten this already?
Jane 06/12/21:
Yep. ๐
Laz 06/12/21:
Tried out The Matrix experience by the way, there is nothing there until the 10th when the movie comes out ๐
Jane 06/12/21:
I wondered when the movie was out? So that is Friday. I googled the game but couldn’t really make out anything from it. I don’t play on things like xbox, I am hopeless with all technology and have enough difficulty with the simple basic tablet games ๐
I only keep them going for the kids when they come. It will be interesting to see how other people analyse the movie the way they tend to do. I guess it all depends on the individual perception.
I came across an old book yesterday, about “the two witnesses” and it kind of made me stop and think?
Laz 06/12/21:
And what may I ask is your thinking there? I’m not going to be wearing sackcloth if that’s what you are asking ๐
Jane 06/12/21:
Lmao. I don’t think that is the idea and I don’t know what I think. Everything is symbolic to me. I may get it out and read it again. I read it ages ago and have forgotten now what it was about. ๐
A quick google… “The two witnesses are two of God’s prophets who are seen , during the “Second woe” recorded in Revelations” I will let you know if I come up with anything of interest ๐
Laz 06/12/21:
I mean, there is an obvious connection between us and the two witnesses, but can you imagine if we are they? god help everyone ๐
Also how many days testimony have we given now? Must be getting on for 365 !
Oh dear God! I’ve just put two and two together. I appear to be on a quest for the Holy Grail, and my website is my Grail diary! I’m bloody Indiana Jones’ dad!
Jane 06/12/21:
Sorry retard alert…
Can you please elaborate this because I’ve not seen the movies ๐
Laz 06/12/21:
Oh, it’s basically the story of Indi’s dad’s obsession with the Holy Grail, and he has this book which is his Grail Diary. It contains all of his learning and clues about the Grail, and the movie’s plot revolves around Indi trying to finish his dad’s work, and the Nazi’s trying to get hold of the book so they can also find the Grail.
It ends with them finding the Grail and a lone Templar Knight too, who warns them not to take the Grail beyond the castle’s walls, but they do and lose the Grail to the collapsing castle.
Jane 06/12/21:
I know that Hitler was absolutely obsessed with the occult and sent his SS around the world to find and obtain relics, like the cup of Jesus from the last supper, whenever I hear that kind of thing I think you morons it is all symbolic. None of that stuff was ever real ๐ But yeah, I get the gist from the trailer ๐
Laz 06/12/21:
So a synchronistic thing just happened. I’ve learnt from the book i’m reading that the lineage of Parzival (the Knight who sought the Grail) was very important to the grail legend. His lineage began with the friend of Jesus called Lazarus. Now in the Holy Blood and Holy grail book they refer to him as Laziliel and I got a Kundalini surge when reading this and I’ve been wondering as to the connection and lineage of myself.
Out of curiosity I went to google and outlook and searched for anyone with those accounts and there was none. So I’ve grabbed them for myself. It was like they were just waiting for me to claim them!!! How can they otherwise have not been taken, surely the name Laziliel is not that unusual and no one else has thought of this? I’ve got to be careful here, as Mr Ego has just popped into my awareness ๐
Jane 06/12/21:
Funny how things synchronistically happen. Lol. You crack me up. Calm it down. remember a moments realisation soon becomes….meh, ok, no big deal. ๐
Laz 08/12/21:
Hold up! I may have just cracked non-duality!ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย
Jane 08/12/21:
Hold up, I think you have! ๐
Laz 08/12/21:
So, I’m reading about Parzival and the evil Red Knight, who he kills and takes his armor from. The commentator says that the red Knight represents instinct (as Parzival while knocked down instinctively throws a knife and hits the red Knight in the eye, killing him) and that upon vanquishing him Parzival receives a large energy transfer from the Knight, which grows Parzival’s ego. This is seen as a maturity from boy to man and the energy he receives needs to be dealt with as a man and transferred elsewhere away from the ego. Presumably a boy cannot do this! Parzival then gives up his will to work in service of the king, and while he bests many other knights he does not kill them, and the commentator says that this is him arranging different energy centres throughout his bodily system leading to him becoming noble and working for the highest good, i.e. the king. The commentator goes on to say that Parzival was wrong to kill the Red Knight as this grew his ego and instead he should have bested him and as with the others incorporated the energy centre into him. So Parzival is a hero and also an egoist, he has failed to correctly balance his energy as he gained all of the Red Knights energy rather than simply subdue it. He continues to fight for the king, but in doing this he is off balance and is leaning toward the “good” ego rather than maintaining neutrality.ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย
Jane 08/12/21:
So this is what I meant when I explained that I see two sides of duality to the ego.ย This is what I distinguish between the light ego and the dark ego. God’s lightworkers have ego’s but they are egos of the light. I had to assimilate both and therefore transcended out of both the polarities of ego into neutrality. Into the mind realm of Non duality.ย
Laz 08/12/21:
So I’m looking at my own prior thinking on this and my polarisation to good. I have never killed the Red Knight, so I must have subdued it, yet I “fight for good” for want of a better phrase, and I put on the Red Knights armour I acquired to do this. I of course understand the duality of mankind and accept it, but I am still taking a side, and thus presumably still feeding my ego so that it is off balance! Damn that ego is a tricky one. So here is the game of non-duality, to be balanced I must then equally perform good and bad, or at least accept that good and bad things will happen to me. So to maintain balance tonight, I need to suck it up and take the hit of the Governments decision today, I cannot fight it and it is an evil I want to fight, but I must take off the Red Knight’s armour and sit with this evil acknowledging it and accepting it. “Well played Boris” I might say, this round belongs to you!
Jane 08/12/21:
Yes! And on the contrary, this one belongs to you Laz! ๐
Laz 08/12/21:
Kundalini surge time!ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย
A bit further on in the story Parzival has to ask the Grail castle “Whom does the grail serve?” but while all of the castle occupants are awaiting him to ask, he does not even know there is a question to ask, let alone know what the question is! I read that he is destined to fail the first time and it reminds me of The Matrix movie, with Neo’s fall when he first attempts to jump, “everyone falls the first time” the crew say.ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย
So I never asked Kundalini who it serves, because I didn’t know I was supposed to. But I just did, and what a surge I got! Man that was one of the biggest and most orgasmic in many years! Bloody hell! but anyway I asked and got no answer, like Parzival. ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย
I thought it weird so I tried to figure it out, asking Kundalini out loud “do you work for good, bad, god, the devil” and nothing. Finally I said to it that i knew it did not work for me, and rather I served it, and I got the void feeling like an incorrect statement had been made. So I thought for a bit, and then said to it, “you don’t serve anyone do you!” And off we went again, surging deeply and feeling the crown chakra projection in a challis shape out the top of my head.ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย
Jane 08/12/21:
No, I know it doesn’tย but I thought it does not serve anyone or anything because it is neutral!
Laz 08/12/21:
I had my answer, Kundalini does not serve anyone or anything, it is free to come and go as it sees fit, and pick who it fancies at any time ๐ I don’t know if Parzival has this realisation, or whether I’ve just nudged that old story on a bit. I guess i’ll find out ๐
Jane 08/12/21:
Do you mean it choses who to work through?ย
Laz 08/12/21:
Yes, Kundalini does you! ๐