Jane 22/11/21:
I was easily fatigued, however, and became restless after only a few hours of attentive application This served as an indication that I was still not capable of maintaining a sustained state of attention for lengthy periods
I discovered that I could no longer follow written instructions, other peoples directions or concentrate on anything that did not serve the divine will I was following, the difference being that flows easily and naturally as it became the path of least resistance for me and still is π
Laz 22/11/21:
We diverge here, interesting! I never lost my ability to focus and the only tentative thing that I can share here is that I became extremely anxious and had to make amends if I felt I was not honouring the divine with my actions. For example my work mates were always swapping our seats around in the office for a prank, so one Friday as I was the last to leave I decided to do the same to them. Oh boy what a bad weekend I had worrying about the consequences of my actions, “what if they don’t know it was me and blame one of the others” & “I’ve let them down as a leader, I should be setting an example not lowering myself to their level”. Anyway I tried to get into the office on the Saturday and Sunday but couldn’t as it was unusually shut and I had to go in very early Monday morning and put them all back before anyone was in the office!
Jane 23/11/21:
But don’t forget my forward trajectory at this point was off planet for the next 7 years. I had no focus in the world.
Jane 22/11/21:
human body, unsuspected, waiting for the needed invocation from the owner and a favourable opportunity to leap to action, when, ploughing its way through the flesh like the diverted stream in flood, it creates new channels in the nervous system and the brain to endow the fortunate individual with unbelievable mental and spiritual powers
Do you remember the needed invocation? I think mine was possibly that moment I screamed silently “beam me up scotty and get me the fuck out of here” π Or it could have been the only magic ritual I found myself doing where I was left with the instructions ‘make your wish here’ … I could not think of anything so I said ‘I wish to be surrendered to God’s will’. I know that mentally I felt that I had a kind of superhuman strength. Like nothing could beat me anymore.
Laz 22/11/21:
Mine was a traditional “Help me God!” followed by a brief Christian conversion until I learnt of the differences between what they practice and preach.
Jane 22/11/21:
If I had done so much as even breathed to others a word about my abnormality and the bizarre manifestations which were now a regular feature of my life, I might have been labelled as a lunatic and treated accordingly, meeting ridicule instead of compassion
Oh that is an understatement, one of the reasons I found my autistic like mind and muteness a benefit.
Laz 22/11/21:
I often wonder what would have happened with me if I’d just been able to stay silent. It’s not very like me though, so while my journey came with medical entanglements, at least I was being authentic to myself at every twist and turn π I think my unwavering ability to speak my thoughts and feelings actually got me out of trouble in some circumstances too though, and things I was supposed to keep quiet about I would share and break the spell of twisted men!
Jane 22/11/21:
If I had tried to make capital out of the mysterious occurrence and pretended a knowledge of the occult, which I did not in reality possess, I might have been hailed as a saint and pestered day and night by people seeking a miraculous way of escape out of their difficulties
It’s weird reading this because I had the exact same thoughts. This was when I had that inclination to remain anonymous.
Laz 22/11/21:
I’m pretty sure this is a test that we all go through π
Jane 22/11/21:
I also had the belief at the time that whatever I did had to be for the all not individuals.
Laz 22/11/21:
Yes, me too π
Jane 22/11/21:
I even resisted any attempts at healing my husband when he had lung cancer 15 years ago, in both lungs! It was the hardest thing I had to endure and I could not understand why I was not allowed to even try, but I believe it was yet another test? Having passed it a few days later I was told ok test passed now lets go!
Laz 22/11/21:
Yes, we can only do the divine’s bidding, and sadly people not awakened have their own challenges to face π
Jane 22/11/21:
I have no idea if it was anything to do with me but he was cured π
Laz 22/11/21:
good for him π Sometimes we are called on to let other’s face things on their own and it is our role to surrender. However while I’m okay with doing this for adults, I’m really torn on whether it applies to kids!
Jane 22/11/21:
Accomplished masters of Kundalini Yoga, always extremely rare, are almost non-existent now, and the cases of a spontaneous type, where the awakening occurs suddenly at some period in life, more often than not end in mental disorder, which makes a coherent narration of the experience impossible. Under the circumstances it is no wonder that a detailed account of this strange experience is not available anywhere
Yes, I would say thank god for Gopi as he seems to be the only genuine experiencer apart from yourself that I have come across who I could completely resonate with who was capable of putting things into words π
Laz 22/11/21:
I was so grateful to read his account, and I think it was the turning point for me in my recovery. I hope I’ve done him proud with the documenting of my journey thus far π
Jane 23/11/21:
I would say absolutely! I bet Gopi would have been as fascinated by us and our paths as we are of his?
Laz 23/11/21:
I like this idea, I wonder if he’d even be on the internet if he was still alive?
Jane 23/11/21:
Our truth would have spoken to him in the same way. I would also say that we now have the benefit of shared companionship that maybe he did not have?
Laz 23/11/21:
Yes, Gopi was alone though his experiences in that he didn’t know anyone else who had been through it.
Jane 22/11/21:
I have also found myself thinking how I would be so interested to know more about Gopi’s father’s path too.
I QUITE realize that it is impossible for me to convey accurately or for the average reader to understand clearly what I mean by the expression widening and contraction of consciousness, which I use frequently to denote the fluctuations in my mental condition. However, it is only by employing this phrase that I can describe even vaguely a purely subjective experience, which seldom falls to the lot of the average man
This sounds very similar to the different attention levels as per Carlos teachings. What I refer to as the microcosmic and macrocosmic consciousness? Contraction and expansion of awareness.
Laz 22/11/21:
Uh huh π
Jane 22/11/21:
To the best of my knowledge the weird phenomena following the awakening of Kundalini have so far never been revealed in detail or made the subject of analytical study. The subject has remained shrouded in mystery not only because of the extreme rarity and astounding nature of the manifestation but also because certain essential features of the development are closely bound up with the intimate life and private parts of the individual who has the experiences
It is obviously more widely known and talked about now since Gopi’s time but still seems not very well comprehended.
Laz 22/11/21:
We are the defacto experts now, it seems π
Jane 22/11/21:
I think people can fear what they do not understand in others and under these circumstances have a tendency to turn to judgement or ridicule.
Laz 22/11/21:
Basic human behaviour, sadly.
Jane 22/11/21:
I also think that the intimate nature of the details could maybe be difficult for some people to share?
Laz 22/11/21:
Sure, but if one has transcended embarrassment and fear of status loss, what the heck spill it π
Jane 22/11/21:
Like yourself, I think the great thing about being in the position knowing that you are doing the will of the source is that I genuinely do not give a monkeys arse about what the people I deal with think about me, I always say that if anyone wants to put judgement on me then that is their problem not mine.
Laz 22/11/21:
There you go π
Jane 22/11/21:
I never do it to others so there is no reflection of self to rebound back onto me. Plus I have deflective shields so I just think karma, comes right back at ya! π
The magnitude of the risk that one has to run in the event of a powerful awakening all of a sudden, can be gauged from the fact that simultaneously with the release of the new energy, profound functional and structural changes begin to occur in the delicate fabric of the nervous system with such rapidity and violence as to be sufficient to cause unhinging of the brain instantaneously if the organism as a whole does not possess enough power of adjustment to bear the tremendous strain, as actually happens in a large percentage of cases. Among the inmates of mental hospitals there are often some who owe their malady to a prematurely active or morbidly functioning Kundalini
Yes I would say the mentally ill and the masts of India are a good example of this, kundalini is not a malevolent energy but as we know well once activated it can be extremely forceful and seems to take no prisoners so can cause many problems in an unprepared being both physically and especially mentally.
Laz 22/11/21:
Yes. The only malevolence is that which you find within yourself. It’s simply a mirror and some people cannot face their reflection π You can’t fool Kundalini, and you can’t fake it either!
Jane 22/11/21:
I do think that one has to be extremely strong in constitution to overcome the difficulties it brings and the adjustments required especially so when it is under the spontaneous innocent conditions in our specific cases.
Laz 22/11/21:
I agree but this brings with it a conundrum for me. If one has to be as you say constitutionally, to pass the K test, how do lesser individuals get put in for the test and fail it? Surely the balance of nature shows that if you are not ready, then you are not thrust into the fray! So if you decide to go and sit an A-Level without any training, you can pay and do it, but the consequences are nil. How can people get into the position of being tested by the divine without being ready? It’s as if I could just go sit in a Formula One car and give it a go! This is not possible, I could not get near the vehicle let alone be able to get it on a track, or in a race! There’s something here I can’t quite grasp. Maybe it’s the evil path that I’m not seeing, like someone bad enough who “can” cheat their way in!
Jane 23/11/2!:
I read in a Kundalini rising book that everyone has an activation of some sort once in their lives, many in their middle age years. In some cases it can go unnoticed if a person is too closed off and not even open to it.
Laz 23/11/21:
Interesting! I’ve not been aware of this before. Must research…
Laz 24/11/21:
Based on what we were saying yesterday, I’ve just seen this tweet and it go me thinking:

Maybe it’s the Dark Night of the soul everyone gets a shot at, and if you can survive it without succumbing to evil, then you get a chance at Kundalini awakening?
Jane 24/11/21:
That is a very interesting thought π And it would make sense, because everyone’s experience does seem to involve that dark night of the soul period. So it could be the preliminary testing of character of separating the wheat from the chaff?
Jane 23/11/21:
I can only go by watching my sisters experience here, she had an activation but she could not handle it and it was almost like there is a safety mechanism in some people that will auto shut off if that is the case.
Laz 23/11/21:
I’m sorry to read this, and I would suggest that my brother has been through something similar π
Laz 22/11/21:
Ultimately though Kundalini sorts the wheat from the Chaff.
Jane 23/11/21:
There you go π
Jane 22/11/21:
In India no other topic has such a mass of literature woven around it as Yoga and the supernatural, and yet in no book on the subject is a penetrating light thrown on Kundalini, nor has any expert provided more information than is furnished in the ancient works. The result is that except for perhaps a few almost inaccessible masters, as scarce now as the alchemists of yore, there is no one in the whole of India, the home of the science, to whom one can look for authoritative knowledge of the subject
I think this is where Gopi came into his own in the valuable knowledge that he provided as it gives verification and a great level of reassurances in his work for people like us who can be left at a complete loss and who are unfamiliar with the topic.
Laz 22/11/21:
Yes, I agree π
Jane 22/11/21:
When we experience things that seem so outlandish to us it can be easy for even us to just dismiss them or even deny their occurrence. As you say truth speaks directly to truth π
Often in the silence and darkness of my room at night I found myself looking with dread at horribly disfigured faces and distorted forms bending and twisting into shapes, appearing and disappearing rapidly in the shining medium, eddying and swirling in and around me. They left me trembling with fear, unable to account for their presence
I know that you had some unpleasant experiences like these but I cannot say that I did. But I do wonder if by my being out of the world and already isolated for 3 years prior to my major event had made my experience very different to someone still living fully in the world as it was all going down?
Laz 22/11/21:
I don’t know, It doesn’t feel right to me, and I do mean feel. I could probably put together a logical reason to agree with you, but there was something about my experience with these presences that makes me think it is not yet understood by anyone. I mean my experience was of sensing these entities in everything except vision and of me refusing to look at them, like it was a medusa that might turn me to stone if I did. I remember my fear and abject terror causing me to resolve to not open my eyes at any cost, even when I thought I could see them in my mind and knew what they looked like. I cannot see how this experience should differ if one is isolated, or not. Could it be a male vs female thing instead?
Jane 23/11/21:
I don’t know, maybe? It could possibly have something to do with testosterone I guess? Maybe the female path is a kinder one in some respects?
Jane 22/11/21:
I was always in a safe and secure space, relatively free from external scrutiny during the crazy shit that was going on. At times it must have looked like something out of the exorcist movie scenes. I did try to communicate with my husband and daughter early on but I was talking crazy stuff and the looks on their faces made that clear to me and was enough for me to stop trying to explain and keep it to myself. I do know that compared to you I was very lucky in my circumstances.
Laz 22/11/21:
I had the same experience, but I always thought that if the roles had been reversed that would not have been my response to them. I think I would have asked for more detail and further explanations, and tried to pull more detail from the person, but maybe I’m just weird like that π It has been said that you can only meet someone as deeply as they have met themselves, so maybe these people shy away from understanding themselves?
Jane 23/11/21:
I think the word “empath” explains the difference π
Jane 22/11/21:
Most of the men who had any knowledge of it attributed my sudden breakdown to mental causes. But as a whisper had gone round in some quarters that my strange distemper was the outcome of yoga practices, intimately connected with Kundalini, the curious came to see me on one pretext or another, trying to elicit further information to assure themselves by the exhibition of some supernatural feat on my part that I had really crossed the boundary which separates the human from the divine. For many of them, the mere awakening of the serpent power meant a precipitate plunge into the supernatural. They were not blameworthy. Most men seem to have the notion that it is but a step from human to cosmic consciousness, a step which one can take all at once with assistance from a teacher or with the aid of spiritual exercises as easily and safely as one crosses a threshold leading from a smaller into a larger room. This fallacious idea is often bolstered by incompetent guides, trading on the credulity of mankind, who claim knowledge of yoga and ability to bring about positive results in their disciples, themselves utterly unaware of the fact that yoga as a progressive science has been dead for the last hundreds of years and that beyond a few parrot-like recitations from the works of ancient masters they know no more about it than the uninformed whom they profess to teach
I think the curious will look for supernatural abilities in these circumstances or try to test you out but to display any such evidence to others is a mistake in fact I would say a definite no-no. When I experienced the siddhis myself I thought then how tempting it may be for one to try to demonstrate those skills and I saw this as pantomime and ego and so kept strictly quiet.
Laz 22/11/21:
Yes, me too although it was not so much a volume thing for me, rather a refusal to indulge π To think that one has the power to reform the world around them is intoxicating and like with beer, one pint leads to another, and another. So best not to start drinking, or you’ll have one hell of a price to pay after! I guess I was helped in this regard by not having an addictive personality, in that I don’t seem to get addicted to things. I’ll try stuff and may do it some more or may leave it!
Jane 23/11/21:
I had an extremely addictive personality pre awakening, part of my 40 days miracle was that I was completely cured of that.
Laz 23/11/21:
I honestly would not have guessed you’d be like that! I suppose you’ve had a 180 degree conversion then from the herd mentality?
Jane 22/11/21:
I have never felt the need to prove or justify anything to anyone. Source knows the absolute unadulterated truth and that is all that matters to me.
Laz 22/11/21:
Me either. They’ll ultimately see for themselves π
Jane 22/11/21:
I also agree that most so called masters can act like charlatans when all they have is theory and not experience but will not acknowledge as such yet think they know it all.
Laz 22/11/21:
Sadly another basic human v1.0 trait π
Jane 22/11/21:
I do not believe that anyone can take another person to cosmic consciousness it has to come from within and is an innate process. To force such a thing could quite easily send someone crazy.
Laz 22/11/21:
No one can be told what The Matrix is, one has to see it for themselves!
Jane 22/11/21:
Years later I had an inkling of what had actually happened and could guess at the marvel lying hidden in the human body, unsuspected, waiting for the needed invocation from the owner and a favourable opportunity to leap to action, when, ploughing its way through the flesh like the diverted stream in flood, it creates new channels in the nervous system and the brain to endow the fortunate individual with unbelievable mental and spiritual powers
I did find it fascinating how things played out in my life to set up the perfect circumstances and life conditions for this to happen to me. One thing I never asked whilst my life was being devastated by crashing was ‘why me?’ I had faith that the source and the universe knew what it was doing. But it is very difficult when you are in a process that cannot be evaluated until that process reaches completion, it is a bit like wandering in the desert with no map, guide or compass where the big picture can only be viewed from the satellite position.
Accordingly labouring under the difficulty of describing in this critical age of science a bizarre mental phenomenon never described in detail before, I am compelled for reasons of prudence to keep back much that should have found a place in this work and which, I am sure, will fall within the experience of many of those who, like me, chance to kindle the serpent fire accidentally without a preparatory period of training in the days to come. Acting on this plan it is sufficient for me to say, without narrating many of the almost uncanny happenings which I witnessed within myself
So I wonder is Gopi saying here that he has not given a full account of everything related to his experience?
Laz 22/11/21:
I would say so, yes. I think his training in writing held him back and moderated what appeared on the pages. I had no such mental block π
Jane 22/11/21:
Or maybe he did go further in his account in later works?
Laz 22/11/21:
His other books were grander, and wider, but this is the most intimate he got in the straight written books. I’ve not read all of his poetry though, so maybe there’s some more in there. I have the works, but don’t like poetry! Still have a nearly new copy of Walt Whitman’s works on my self, mostly unread!
Jane 22/11/21:
I am like you in that I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of, that for me would be going against the very will of source that I abide by.
Laz 22/11/21:
I’m not totally sure on this, there are some things that we do not discuss. It’s not an elephant in the room, but for example Covid vaccines seem to be a one way street and your views seem to be very guarded and conservative here?
Jane 23/11/21:
If that is how it comes across it is because I have a very boring view…..It is a subject that I genuinely do not have an opinion on where others are concerned.
Laz 23/11/21:
WOW! This is a statement I thought I’d never see from you. I can’t imagine thinking that way about someone putting a foreign substance into my body, especially a never before tried technology!
Jane 23/11/21:
I know that compared to the personalities you are probably more used to my nonduality position is difficult to accept but I do not live in the matrix realm of duality. I am not in the war! It is not my fight. David Hawkins said it is a relief not to have to have opinions and that is exactly how i see it. I cannot create an opinion where i just don’t have one and i know that kind of neutrality can sound like fence sitting to you :)I can see where people like David Icke and Alex Jones are coming from and I too can see some of the things they talk about going on but as with every persons perspective they do not sound accurate in some of what they say but they are entitled to their own opinions. The same way I am entitled to have none. π
Jane 23/11/21:
I believe everyone has an individual right to make their own decision because it’s all relative to the individual. Everyone is different in body and mind, a fact that sometimes seems to get lost these days.
I honestly do not give a monkey’s arse if someone is vaccinated or they are not it is entirely up to them. The division it has caused is ridiculous, it is getting like apartheid. Such divisiveness is a pointless waste of energy to me and not even a thing outside of duality. Sometimes people need to just agree to disagree. But things like passports in your own country do seem nonsensical and I cannot believe what humans have come to when I still see the masked faces in society and especially of children. I saw a tiny toddler being forced to wear one and thought it looked like psychological abuse!
My little one had an epi tantrum when a kid in his class was allowed not to wear one due to having ADHD and he felt it was just not fair that he was being told to. He was absolutely right and made a very good argument as is usual for him. The older one is more conformist in his nature, the younger one is definitely not! π
I do not profess to know the full facts but I will listen to all sides and find the arguments for and against interesting and I also see those arguments coming from very different circumstantial perspectives of the narrator where one size does not fit all so I would say we can only take self responsibility and respect peoples decisions. It is something that I don’t really think about much…as with most things I seem to be totally detached from it. I told you I am boring on this subject π You say this was “an example of some things”, so what else do you feel we don’t discuss?
Laz 23/11/21:
To be honest it was just a turn of phrase to introduce my question to you on vaccines. I’d love to know more about your awakening experience and read more of what you wrote back then, but other than that there isn’t anything I can put my finger on π
Laz 22/11/21:
I have a vaccine video that I doctored earlier and my initial thought was to share it, and almost did a couple of times above in responding to you, but I don’t think it would be received well so I’ve shied away from doing so.
Jane 23/11/21:
What do you mean by doctored? Altered? You don’t have to shy away from anything, I completely respect your position, in a way I admire it π Nothing you could send me could be ill received. I find your creativity fascinating, whatever it is.
Laz 23/11/21:
I simply applied a zoom to this guy’s wild evil eyes to highlight just how evil Michael Gunner appears π
Jane 23/11/21:
Wow! Your not kidding. I found that absolutely hilarious and especially in his idiocracy π
I am always interested to see your work π Did you know the FDA have asked a court to lock up and prevent release of the Pfizer Covid Vaccine data that was used to advertise it to governments for 55 years, following a freedom of information act request for it to be made public?
Nothing, like this surprises me anymore.
Jane 22/11/21:
The real object of this system of Yoga is to develop a type of consciousness which crosses over the boundaries confining the sense-bound mind, carrying the embodied consciousness to supersensory regions
Is this the same as seeing the maya or illusion we call the matrix?
Laz 22/11/21:
I don’t think so, although I’m not sure i really understand the term seeing the maya. I think this is beyond that in terms of experience. If you want to think in the terms of The Matrix it’s probably that experience that Neo has at the end of the films where he is blinded in the desert of the real, but sees the world now with spiritual sight:
Jane 22/11/21:
To the inquiries directed to gathering more information about my experience for frivolous reasons, I usually turned a deaf ear, maintaining a reserve which has continued to this day. Failing to gain satisfaction for their curiosity and finding no remarkable change in me, the story of my spiritual adventure was treated as a myth, and to some I even became an object of ridicule for having mistaken a physical ailment for a divine dispensation
I would say that as in Don Juan’s story ones goal seems to be to embody the myth. I would say Gopi is a real life example of such. Maybe people were somewhat jealous of Gopi, especially in those whose intentional practice came to nothing because I find that those who profess to know the most tend to know the least. Of course the usual reaction and easiest justification for the ignorant is to just label a person crazy.
Laz 22/11/21:
Basic human v1.0 π
Jane 22/11/21:
I may add, however, that in spite of all this the experience is not as singular or as unauthenticated as might at first appear. There is enough evidence available to suggest that from times immemorial, probably from the very birth of civilization and even before that, there have been cases, extremely rare indeed, of the awakening of Kundalini, spontaneously or by means of suitable exercises. In the few cases of the former type where the awakening proceeds towards a healthy culmination, the symptoms being usually mild and the development gradual, as in born mystics, the essential characteristics of the rebirth, which were startlingly apparent in my case, might conceivably escape notice or when noticed may be attributed to other causes due to ignorance about the real one
I would have thought that in the first instance it would occur in those who are naturally spiritually inclined from the outset? Born awake and remain that way rather than being shut down by life?
Laz 22/11/21:
Certainly our culture seems to want to do that to us π
Jane 22/11/21
Yes being born again does seem to go unnoticed by others. In my isolation I had the perfect cover. Do you feel that this ignorance as to the cause is one you experienced from others?
Laz 22/11/21:
That was my experience with mental health “science” for sure. They should have listened to Carl Jung! I can forgive GP’s but the psychologists should have seen the following indicators and known: Yoga practice, non ordinary experiences, sleeping issues, talking about archetypes, Feeling persecuted or tested, no drug or alcohol intake. Oh and they’re own failure to identify the issue correctly when the symptoms reoccur and break their Acute psychosis diagnosis!
Jane 22/11/21:
In the large proportion of cases of the same class where the awakening is morbid, the frenzied expressions of the stricken even when correct would be utterly disregarded as the senseless rubbish of a delirious brain. In the case of awakening brought about by voluntary effort, as the manifestations must generally have occurred behind the walls of inaccessible monasteries or in solitary hermitages or secluded yoga centres in the depths of forests, the extraordinary phenomena attending it were either not open to critical observation or, where observed, were treated as a necessary preternatural accompaniment to the adventure and hence not regarded seriously as something important to record and communicate or, considered too sacred to be divulged, were kept a closely guarded secret accessible to none save the initiates
How could those making an assessment on another’s experience possibly understand when the whole process can be seen as senseless rubbish to the uninitiated? This in itself is enough for such secrecy. If such isolated cases are left with that neutral energy that requires stimulus I can understand why it is not spoken about, if I did not have you to bounce off I would most likely have remained silent on my experience. It makes a world of difference to have a confidante that you can trust and who truly “gets” you π
Laz 22/11/21:
Back at you “initiate” π
Jane 22/11/21:
the present-day aspirants often content themselves with a few postures and breathing exercises in the fond belief that they are practising Yoga for spiritual uplift
Do you think the volitional practices of breath control and movement really can bring about the main event? I ask because these things played a very minute limited role in my case and the spontaneity in the way they came about was totally natural and not in my control, I do not see how any amount of practice could have benefitted me other than in understanding these experiences as known concepts.
Laz 22/11/21:
I think they are part of the puzzle for sure, but as with the 8 limbs of Raja yoga there is more to it π
Jane 22/11/21:
Commentary : He tells us in Chapter Eight that 'at night I found myself looking with dread at horribly disfigured faces and distorted forms bending and twisting into awful shapes. ... They left me trembling with fear, unable to account for their presence.' The encounter with distorted human figures in a night-world seems another authentic necessity. It is evidently so important that Homer, Virgil and Dante describe similar phenomena in the descent into Hades of their heroes. It is part of their journey.
Like I say I did not experience these things, the negative stuff for me was what I was holding in my own subconscious, my own “sins” as well as what I perceived to be the shared collective unconscious as it did not relate to my life experience but I knew it was a big issue things like the sexual abuse.
Laz 22/11/21:
I’m not sure, yes it felt like a test, or a stage to overcome, but was it necessary? I only have my experience to draw on here, and would like to know more about it. I guess I don’t place it front and centre is because it only happened in that small window of awakening in 2013, and not since. Maybe like in a computer game it was an end of level boss?
Jane 23/11/21:
Yes I would have said so, skill learned, level up! π
Jane 22/11/21:
Also the archetypal stuff. I also got the impression that I was dealing with and processing the more primitive part of mind and emotions, the lower animal part of man.
Laz 22/11/21:
Yes it was a journey not just inwards but backwards in evolution terms to π I’ve read similar accounts from Seth Godin, although he termed it “Lizard Brain”
Jane 22/11/21:
The Reptilian or Primal Brain - In MacLean's triune brain model, the basal ganglia are referred to as the reptilian or primal brain, as this structure is in control of our innate and automatic self-preserving behavior patterns, which ensure our survival and that of our species. The primal brain is also in charge of, what are often referred to as, the four Fs: Feeding, Fighting, Fleeing, andβ¦ Reproduction (well, we wonβt use that other f-word here!). Notable behavior patterns include defense of self, family, and personal property, physical communication, and socially approved actions, such as handshakes, head nods, and bowing.
Origins of the 'Reptilian Complex' The term, 'reptilian brain' (or 'reptilian complex') is derived from a longstanding belief within the field of neuroanatomy that the forebrains of reptiles, and other small animals, were dominated by these structures. Paul MacLean suggested, within the Triune brain model, that the basal ganglia and a number of the surrounding structures within the base of the forebrain are responsible for 'species-typical' behaviors, which are present in aggression, dominance, territoriality, and ritual displays.
I went from experiencing what a primitive caveman mind must have been like to the opposite of losing things like the fight or flight response instincts as well as the “species-typical” behaviours that unlike in animals I guess was coming from my human ego mind and cultural conditioning.
In Chapter Eight, we come to another of the traditional problems associated with mystical experiences and that is the question of secrecy. Our author was strongly moved not to tell anyone of what he was going through, not even his wife. Again, this rigid secrecy is typical of one in the throes of a paranoid delusion. To open the secret is in a sense what we call 'reality testing'. If it were laughed at, argued away, diagnosed as sick, a whole world would collapse
I would not say it was because of paranoid delusion that I kept to secrecy but the fact that I was literally unable to speak. Like there was a force at work preventing me from doing so, also I could not have put it into words even if I had tried to at that point. I had no terminology for it and did not comprehend it myself!
Laz 22/11/21:
As you know, I went the other way and told everything to everyone π
Jane 22/11/21:
But more, there is something in the nature of mystical experiences that demands secrecy, as if the archetype behind the events which are in process needs a certain tension in order for it to be fulfilled. The alchemists envisioned this secrecy in their image of the closed vessel. In many fairy tales the hero or heroine is ordered not to say anything until the ordeal is over. In the Greek religious mysteries the participants were threatened with death if they told what happened. Initiation rites also require sworn secrecy. Secrecy intensifies, allowing what is coming to fruition to swell and grow in silence so that later it can be brought forth and shown. Secrecy is the ground of revelation, making revelation possible; what happens secretly in the wings, behind the scenes, makes possible the drama when the curtains open and the lights go up
So I think this is that “psychospiritual bubble of tension” whereby by speaking of things would burst the bubble and undo all that had been achieved? Maybe this also forces one to write everything down? I guess it is like Don Juan taught, you say nothing whilst going through the shamans path until it has ended. Not sure what is meant by the drama bit here?
Laz 22/11/21:
So this was a conundrum for me that sat with me for a long time, it was blown wide apart by Jesus I haven’t suffered as a result of sharing since π Although I have found that people just won’t see the truth even if you write in front of them in 10 feet long letters! They blank it out, won’t look or learn, it’s that Bubble Living idea π
I’m doing everything I can to break secrecy around these topics. I hate secrecy and see it as a machination of the wicked culture in which we live. It is both a carrot and a stick for the stupid, and goes hand in hand with censorship and no free speech. Did you know the FDA have asked a court to lock up and prevent release of the Pfizer Covid Vaccine data that was used to advertise it to governments for 55 years, following a freedom of information act request for it to be made public? That kind of secrecy is evil!
Jane 30/11/21:
I find it so much more peaceful in the winter months and that changes my quality of life π
Laz 30/11/21:
I’m pleased to read this π
Jane 30/11/21:
In view of the immense significance of the regenerative and transformative processes at work in my body, especially during sleep, which ultimately resulted in the development of psychic gifts, never possessed by me until the age of over forty-six, it is necessary to dwell on this most important phase of my singular experience. Not only the ancient treatises on Yoga but numerous other spiritual texts of India contain references to the miraculous power of Shakti, or femininecosmic energy, to bring about transformations in her devotees
I also was around 40 when all this started for me, do you think it really is connected to a kind of midway point in life ? That is how I perceived it at the time and if I remember correctly you said that too?
Laz 30/11/21:
38 for me, I had pegged it as a “length of time spent working on ones self and of doing good deeds” kind of deal, rather than just age. So had I started earlier, I would guess that I could have had the awakening earlier π
Jane 30/11/21:
But I know it can happen in some at a much earlier stage before a full life experience so I would suppose that things would be somewhat different in those cases? I also know that a lot of work and processing was going on in my sleep. Maybe that is because a part of the mind and consciousness is out of action when we sleep? And I think some of our dreams that we cannot always remember do play a role? I often wake and desperately try to retain or recall information going through my mind but just cannot keep the connection going as it fades.
Laz 30/11/21:
I know I’m slipping back into pre-psychodrama routines in the night, with almost a regular 3am wake up followed by about an hour of not being able to sleep. Had bad indigestion last night too, all very familiar patterns, but not what I want right now. Alas it is also that “thin” time of year too!
Jane 30/11/21:
So what happens when you wake at 3? Do you feel it is a negative thing?
Laz 30/11/21:
No, nothing negative, but I know this is how it begins. You could argue I find myself with to much time to think, and maybe this time will be different, but the progression before has been lack of sleep, leading to more coffee, leading to more lack of sleep, and then strange things start to happen.
Jane 30/11/21:
Did you say that you experience these types of psychodramas when you are stressed? Does it feel the same? Are you overly stressed by anything? It was our wedding anniversary a couple of days ago and that was the exact date my 40 days thing started. 2004! Time is a weird thing to me.
Laz 30/11/21:
So stress was of course the “official explanation”, but there is not much stressing me at the moment and I don’t find myself at night worrying about anything, well in these early days anyhow π
Jane 30/11/21:
I still feel totally at odds with what seems to be a universal belief that the energy of kundalini is feminine. I cannot say for certain but I still believe this could be a perception that comes from the gendered mind and meatbag that is experiencing it. All in the eye of the perceiver.
Laz 30/11/21:
I am quite happy to believe that as the vast majority of writers have been male, that it is just one perspective, and the opposite male energy may be needed for a female. You know, to balance us up from either staring point, and to obtain the Rebis configuration π
Jane 30/11/21:
It is probably of no real importance but it has always been a real curiosity of mine, and I cannot deny my own experience, maybe it is just me but I cannot see how such an energy could be assigned a gender based quality? I have never seen it as being female or male. I don’t suppose it matters what people believe if it helps them to reach their goal.
I don’t know but in my understanding, if it is the energetic frequency we are to achieve via human alchemy then as with the Rebis I would have thought it makes more sense that it would in itself be androgynous?
Laz 30/11/21:
I think we are aligned here, the resulting frequencies for a balanced person will be androgynous π
Jane 30/11/21:
If the historic record extending to more than thirty centuries as embodied in the Vedas and other spiritual texts is to be relied upon and credence lent to the unquestionable testimony of scores of clever investigators and shrewd observers, the ancient society of Indo-Aryans abounded with numerous genuine instances of transfiguration by means of spiritual strivings and Yoga, resulting in the complete metamorphosis of personality as a result of which individuals of a commoncalibre were transformed into visionaries of extraordinary attainments by the touch of an invisible power which they recognized and worshipped with appropriate ceremony. In fact one of the basic tenets of Hindu religion and the archstone of the science of yoga is the belief, emphatically upheld by almost every scripture, that by properly directed effort it is possible for a man to complete the evolutionary cycle of human existence in one life and blossom into a transfigured adept in tune with the infinite Reality beyond the phenomenal world, forever released from the otherwise endless chain of births and deaths
We have already discussed the concept of reincarnation and my understanding and psychological processing of it but I know you said you are still unsure so I will not push my ideas any further on the issue π
Either way as with yourself I felt the moment I went beyond and had transcended all such karmic conditions that would necessitate such a thing. I would agree that truth lies in all scriptures if the bullshit of some can be discerned.
Laz 30/11/21:
So how do you interpret the events of the world right now, against the end times and revelation from the bible. Mark of the beast vs vaccination passport for example? Where does the truth lie when discernment is applied?
Jane 30/11/21:
I think the world is in a stage of idiocracy, that mass psychosis going on. It is like humanity is being put to the test. I know that higher vibrations transmute lower, it is a universal law and I do believe that for all the bad stuff going on, a lot of humans are raising in vibrations. I get the whole concept of the vaccine passport but can you clarify what you mean by mark of the beast? I mean the vaccine passport is what i see as part of the ongoing idiocracy because it is absolutely nonsensical if you look closely into the actual factual details, oh, the mark of the beast? Lol….The devil is in the details? π
Laz 30/11/21:
Do you still need any clarification, as the key things for me are:
The mark itself – The vaccine passport
No one can buy or sell without the mark – The vaccine passport
No rest, day or night – The constant worry about the virus variants
Worshiping its name – The idolatry of covid vaccines
The number of the beast – Well it might be this patent: WO 2020/060606
Jane 30/11/21:
No, reading your key things I think I was right the devil was in the details π
Laz 30/11/21:
There seems to be a human failing in that “a personality” knows better than the collective knowledge of some group, such that the word of a leader is more important than the written evidence and objective truth. It’s something I cannot get my head around; you know like 1000’s of years of history are dismissed by some popular young upstart and people just go along with it! It’s like some fundamental laziness and idol worship combined.
Jane 30/11/21:
The evolutionary cycle in one life to me sounds correct but I see this as the spiritual rebirth. In Hermetic philosophy there is reference to a third birth known as being thrice born….
"Hermeticism is named after the Greek god Hermes Trismegistus, which translates to Hermes thrice greatest, or Hermes thrice born. Hermes was the god of wisdom and messenger of the gods, Hermes is believed to be a reincarnation of the Egyptian god Thoth, who was the god of wisdom, writing, science and magic.To the alchemist, the principles of Hermeticism will allow him or her to become masters of themselves and live in harmony with the divine"
When it is said that someone is a reincarnation of another I see it as referring to the concept of principles that are rebirthed as in reintroduced into a new mind for new eras. I would also say that I was in the category of a common calibre prior to my total transformation. This was the very fact that gobsmacked me so much that it was even possible for this invisible power to work on someone like me in the miraculous 180Β° way that it did π
Laz 30/11/21:
I know your story and can understand this viewpoint. You probably know mine too, in that it was a return to childhood for me rather than a 180 degree about turn, an innocence restored about the way the world appears to work versus reality, emperors new clothes, etc.
Jane 300/11/21:
"there are also authentic instances where a definitealteration of personality has occurred as a result of yoga or other form of spiritual effort, undertaken deliberately and continued for some time, resulting ultimately in the sudden or slow development of abnormal psychic faculties and extraordinary mental attributes not visible before"
I honestly can not say it was deliberate on my part? Thinking back for many years prior to my awakening I did hundreds, possibly thousands of hours of cross stitch work and I believe that was a form of focused concentration that could have acted like a form of meditation? But once I commenced the path ( not knowing it was a path) I remember giving it all up to source and the universe kind of blindly but only having stipulated as long as it was my higher self in control and not my ego.
Laz 30/11/21:
100% agree. For me it was drawing or model making.
Jane 30/11/21:
I have no idea if or what so called psychic abilities I have attained because it has never been a priority and I have never attempted any volitional practice.
Laz 30/11/21:
And nor should you π Defence only! It reminds me of getting in a fight as a kid, I only ever defended myself against an aggressor and didn’t go round starting fights. When the moment came I lost all fear and anxiety and felt this state of mind come over me where I was calm and could access strategic thinking like I never knew I had.
Jane 30/11/21:
But I do know that I gained mental and psychological attributes that I never used to have.
Laz 30/11/21:
For me it was a maturing of existing abilities here, deep thinking, and looking at things from multiple angles to work out the real problem space π
Jane 30/11/21:
In all temporal affairs affecting an individual at every moment of his existence, the correlationship and interdependence of the gross body and the ethereal mind is recognized and accepted without question; but strangely enough when dealing with spiritual matters this obviously unalterable rule determining the relationship of the two in the physical world is inexplicably lost sight of
As I always say, as above so below, what is held in mind affects the body but I agree that there is another dimension with the spiritual realm to consider if that has been activated.
Laz 30/11/21:
Yes, for me it was a bringing closer together of these two, a merging of dimensions, as experienced by my mind frying itself and reassembling, that one time in the car outside of the St Nicholas church.
Jane 30/11/21:
Devout and God-fearing until my abnormal condition, I had lost all feelings of love and veneration for the divine, all respect for the sacred and the holy, and all interest in the scriptural and sacramental. The very idea of the supernatural had become hateful and I did not allow my thoughts to dwell on it even for a moment. From a devotee I became an inveterate enemy of faith and felt seething resentment against those whom I saw going to or coming from places of worship. I had changed entirely, devoid completely of every religious sentiment, turned into a rank atheist, a violent heretic, the very antithesis of the religious and the spiritual
I think this is a big difference between Gopi and myself, as I have said I came from the other side of this from the initial point of being a staunch atheist. In my ignorance I had always associated the term god with religion as being one and the same thing and as such had an extreme aversion to the very words like “Jesus” or “God” to the point that my mind would shut down on reading or hearing the very words.
Laz 30/11/21:
Yes, same for me, but with one exception, I see the two competing factions as the yin and yang dance, both are necessary for balance.
Jane 30/11/21:
Yes within an individual mindset. This has brought something to mind. This statement could be said of non duality. This is exactly how I see the whole world, both sides but with indifference to either. This is the duality of the matrix. The negative/positive, male/female, yin and yang, light/dark. They are by nature and necessity energetically competing factions in interacting…creating. Maybe it is like that in the collective with the source aware and the atheists? Both necessary for balance? Until a critical mass is reached?
Laz 30/11/21:
So it kind of seems then that while you accept (as I do) that there are necessary sides of good and evil, you sit as a watcher. Someone who does not take part?
Jane 01/12/21:
Laz 01/12/21:
So I must ask, why did you go out of your way to get the Covid vaccine? Isn’t that taking a side?
Jane 02/12/21:
I did not go out of my way it was all synchronised. I did not see it as taking a side when making a decision for me personally, I have no self will so just go on an energy flow and it takes me where I need to go. I put my faith in that. Also I am no spring chicken anymore π
Laz 02/12/21:
I can’t argue with that π
jane 02/12/21:
To be honest with you I would have preferred to have got a natural immunity like you but after 20 years of little physical activity my meatbag is extremely weak and I have lost a lot of muscle tone so even having a simple condition like a cough causes me a lot of difficulties and an exhaustion that really is difficult to endure affecting me physically and mentally. The kids are always sharing their bugs with me. Having said that on the whole and despite the propaganda, both ways, I remain in neither camp on the issue where other people are concerned, it is entirely up to the individual π
Jane 30/11/21:
Until a critical mass is reached?
Laz 30/11/21:
Yes, although I’m not sure what the critical mass is you speak of?
Jane 30/11/21:
At first I was disappointed to hear that people are not identifying with religion anymore. Although I saw it’s flaws I also saw it’s benefits in things like morals. The religious people I knew were usually good people but It is obvious that religion has had its time, outworn it’s divine usefulness, it is because people have become disillusioned with religions.
Laz 30/11/21:
I would say that Christianity is this, and maybe if we are in the End Times then we are at the end of the Bible anyhow! But certainly other world religions are going strong, Islam for one.
Jane 30/11/21:
Yes I agree, if one looks at Islam from an unbiased position it is a very good religion, unfortunately in countries that do not separate church from state they have purposely misinterpreted the teachings in the Koran and used it as an evil form of control and conflict therefore not only are non Islam believers seen as infidels but the same battle rages on within Islam between Shiites and Sunnis.
Jane 30/11/21:
There is perhaps a new kind of religion needed now, as the old ones have worn out and the beast system has returned.
Jane 30/11/21:
I mean just look at the appalling scandals! And the stupid bloody wars! It has become like “evil” at work. But the majority of those who do not have a religion are those who are spiritual, not brainwashed religious.
Laz 30/11/21:
Yes, corruption is rife in all aspects of our culture, no matter what Boris says. I think things have become so corrupt that people can’t even see it!
Jane 30/11/21:
Yes I agree where it is blatantly obvious in some places, it is not even recognised in others. Where there is no transparency and cover ups it will always go on.
Jane 30/11/21:
Maybe that could be the turning point from atheism? As in recognising the truth as it was with myself?
Laz 30/11/21:
It’s won’t be the turning for atheists, but maybe agnostics.
Jane 30/11/21:
I was hoping that by separating god/source from religion for those who are atheist for that reason, as I was due to the ignorance, they may see the light π
Laz 01/12/21:
That makes sense, if you came over to this way of thinking there is hope for others π
Laz 30/11/21:
I feel very strongly that science will discover “god” and it will unite the two human facets of reason and belief.
Jane 01/12/21:
Yes this was Einstein’s thinking. I told you that the day I discovered it for myself in a eureka moment was the day the “god particle” was discovered by science. As a lot of my path correlated between the science and spiritual I saw that as a good sign in synchronicity.
Laz 01/12/21:
Same π
Jane 30/11/21:
Following my awakening I first noticed a deep affinity and affection growing towards all things divine that was initially very surprising to me.
Laz 30/11/21:
Yes, once you understand that the religions are a facade covering the source, and you realise that the BS they teach is a layer of control itself, and you can free yourself from that conditioning. Then the truth of the source, and of consciousness, is both welcoming, enticing, and addictive.
Jane 30/11/21:
The fear of the supernatural and antipathy towards religion that had been constantly present during the first few months had partially disappeared. I could not for a long time account for this sudden revulsion of what had been a deep-rooted feeling in me and even during the days of acute disturbance was surprised at this change in myself. It was not only because my irrepressible desire for religious experience had landed me in an awful predicament that I felt the fear and the aversion, but there seemed to have actually occurred an inexplicable alteration in the very depths of my personality, for which I was at a loss to assign a reason
I can understand Gopi’s revulsion maybe he feared that any renewed interest or maintained blind beliefs he had held would lead him back to the same experience? But I think the temporary agnostic position is a sort of detachment from prior positions in belief, and questioning then there comes a kind of level up maturity to it all.
Laz 30/11/21:
Yes I agree.
Jane 30/11/21:
A loss of preconceptual fears to a new more rational perspective as we process things and develop the art of discernment. Discernment to me was a vital key.
Laz 30/11/21:
It is for everyone, but so few have it. I think to truly gain it one must be a critical thinker who is responsible and accountable at all times “impeccable” as Carlos might write.
Jane 30/11/21:
There is no known method by which the brain of a normal man can be made to overstep the boundaries set to it by nature, though it can be improved and sharpened with application and study, and made to accommodate more information and assimilate more facts, but with the exception of gifted individuals fashioned in a slightly different form, it cannot be made to transcend the limits of the native state of consciousness exhibited by it and to step into the next higher stratum, able to perceive what was imperceptible and to know what was unknowable before the transition
I think that most people are born with a set personality and maybe even a predisposition to attaining a certain level of consciousness? Maybe that is how they justified things like the caste system?
Laz 30/11/21:
I rather fear it is a social conditioning, and a lack of bravery.
Jane 30/11/21:
But of course it is possible that one can change course and environmental circumstances must have some effect. The old nature versus nurture debate?
it is necessary to say more about this extraordinary development, which for along time I considered to be an abnormality or delusion
I think that due to our cultural conditioning we do tend to see it as being something abnormal and that makes it difficult for us not to think of it as being a delusion. If Gopi could not find a like minded person to relate to in his search in India, of all places then I wonder what are the odds of that in this country?
Laz 30/11/21:
Indeed, but here we are! So that’s something π
Jane 30/11/21:
The state of exalted and extended consciousness, permeated with an inexpressible, supermundane happiness which I experienced on the first appearance of the serpent fire in me, was an internal phenomenon, subjective in nature, indicating an expansion of the field of awareness, or the cognitive self, formless, invisible, and infinitely subtle, the observer in the body, always beyond scrutiny, impossible to delineate or depict. From a unit of consciousness, dominated by the ego, to which I was habituated from childhood, I expanded allat once into a glowing conscious circle, growing larger and larger, until a maximum was reached, the 'I' remaining as it was, but instead of a confining unit, now itself encompassed by a shining conscious globe of vast dimensions
I know that we are multidimensional beings but only in potential and I would image that the inner observer in people also would differ in its nature and quality. My consciousness expanded from being self/family focused out to a global perspective in increments then transcended the planet altogether to seeing the matrix. To exiting the matrix.
Laz 30/11/21:
I always had that and I thank my parents for taking me abroad to live when I was young. I used to sit and cry at the state of the world and it’s people when I was a young teenager. I couldn’t understand why everything was so corrupt and wicked, yet with a thin veneer of respectability. I think so much of this world is absolutely fucking nuts, yet it is normalised by that self/family/friends focus first approach, sadly π It’s actually amazing how much people just put up with!
Jane 30/11/21:
There is a difference to those who are transcended and detached from the world by being cut off, with no media or technology as I used to be, oblivious to the goings on in a sort of ignorance is bliss to it all but my detachment as it is today remains unplugged but as a fully aware observer with a mentally retained held position of indifference π
the dimensions of the shining mist in my head varied constantly, causing a widening and shrinking of consciousness. This rapid alteration in the perceptive mirror, accompanied by an ever-present sense of deadening fear, had been the first acutely distressing and completely bewildering feature of my uncanny experience. As time wore on, the extension became more and more apparent, with less frequent contractions, but even in the narrowest state of perception, my consciousness was wider than before. I could not fail to mark this startling alteration in myself as it occurred abruptly, carrying me from one conscious state to another almost overnight. If the transition had taken place gradually, without the other accompanying factors like the radiating spinal currents and the extraordinary sensations that made the whole phenomenon so striking and bizarre, I might not have noticed the extension at all, as one does not notice the extremely slight daily changes in one's own face which immediately strike a friend after a long separation
I did not notice the change in myself either until the evidence started to reveal itself to me. I was so surprised when my inner dialogue was no longer making its usual judgments or criticisms about others and when it came to situations where I would ordinarily have chosen a preferred side to win in things like competitions, I no longer did. My mind would simply lock into a neutral position. I couldn’t take sides. I think the constricted normal awareness to the expanded awareness by drug use is obvious in its temporary experience going from a high to a low but as I have previously explained I had to move into the space to achieve the expansion naturally and permanently so it was like an alternating state for some time.
Almost all the methods in use from time immemorial for gainingvisionary experience or supersensory perceptionβconcentration, breathing exercises, postures, prayer, fasting,asceticism and the likeβaffect both the organic frame and the mind. It is, therefore, but reasonable to suppose that anychange brought about by their means in the sphere of thought must also be preceded by alterations in the chemistry of the body
Yes I agree with the words from Jesus “as a man thinks, so he is” I think we literally are what we think. When I first made the realisation that we create with our thoughts I was terrified of thinking anything negative and started to police my mind. But I think it is maybe by repetitive thoughts that attract?
Laz 30/11/21:
I have a different take on this, almost an oppositionary position in that like with the Yaqui, we must clear our island of Tonal and once done the Nagual is possible, or to put it another way we are not what we think, but to be beyond conception we must stop thinking we are this tiny fleshy drone doing as they are told by more important drones.
Jane 30/11/21:
I meant more in an emotional reactive way endocrinal, like if we think and hold anger we become anger personified, if we think and hold hatred we become that thing too and it sets up that dis-ease frequency in our physiology.
Laz 30/11/21:
Ah! yes, I agree there π Gotta go with Yoda on this one. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hatred leads to suffering! I actually put two and two together the other day and realised why Yoda in Star Wars does not have a species, we know nothing about him or his race, and acts as the leader of the Jedi. It is because he is the Christ figure in those movies!
Jane 30/11/21:
But I get what you are saying in things like mental freedom…… ” or to put it another way we are not what we think, but to be beyond conception we must stop thinking we are this tiny fleshy drone doing as they are told by more important drones”
Laz 30/11/21:
I’ve always felt like a new soul, yet my reading on the subject leads me to the understanding that if it is believed, I am actually a very old soul. If this is the case then i’ve failed 10’s if not 100’s of times to move on from the cycle of rebirth
Jane 30/11/21:
So I used to think the same thing, but I do not believe that a person we see as being an old soul is someone who has had previous lives. I think it is a level of a persons minds abilities….
An old soul is a person who is wise beyond their years. They are smarter, more enlightened, more emotionally stable and have a deep understanding of the world
Laz 30/11/21:
So it is a metaphor? So this is to say that we cycle through many ways of thinking in life, kinda like our body renews itself regularly at a cell level?
Jane 01/12/21:
Exactly, that is how I see it.
Laz 30/11/21:
I wonder if wisdom then can be genetic, as I’ve never had wisdom training!?
Jane 01/12/21:
Yes it is an interesting thought that it could be genetic in some because I don’t think we can be trained in wisdom. It is something we can only acquire through experience π
Laz 01/12/21:
Do you think that is enough? Ali has had lots of life experience, hell my father has had more, but I would not consider either of them wise!
Jane 02/12/21:
When I said wisdom comes from experience, I did not mean only experience, it is the quality of having much more than just experience, knowledge and good judgement, sensible and wise thinking, the ability to discern what is right or true. Unless there is all of these qualities then in itself experience is not enough to become the higher quality of wisdom regardless how much of it one has. I think true wisdom is a rare thing these days π
Laz 02/12/21:
I’m not sure I could quantify true wisdom, but I agree in general. I’m with Bill & Ted on this one:

Jane 02/12/21:
That’s funny dude! π
Jane 30/11/21:
When I gave consideration to the concept of many lives lived, it made sense that we had to get the whole of human existence to learn the lessons so we would have to live female existences and male in order to experience both sides, rich lives and poor lives, as a black person and white etc. It is a funny one because I had a psychodrama where I was a black woman, and in another I was with a black male, I think it was testing my reactions of prejudice, fortunately I passed because I had lost that mentality.
I was of the impression that in the last life we consolidate all previous lives and the path to enlightenment is deemed so difficult to attain it is thought it has to take many lives. but I know now that it can all be dealt with via human alchemy.
Jane 30/11/21:
In all temporal affairs affecting an individual at every moment of his existence, the correlationship and interdependence of the gross body and the ethereal mind is recognized and accepted without question; but strangely enough when dealingwith spiritual matters this obviously unalterable rule determining the relationship of the two in the physical world is inexplicably lost sight of
The thing I noticed when dealing with my friend was that my version of psychotherapy was more holistic being multidimensional, in that I was assessing from all levels mental/psychological and spiritual. I noticed that without the spiritual dimension the therapy he was getting from the strictly matrix minded was incomplete and not very successful due to this very fact. In fact at times it seemed to be at odds.
Laz 30/11/21:
I can attest to that, The problem that I perceived was that thee “professionals” had one mindset given to them by their education/training and they could not see things holistically, and rather like people say about another in a discussion who just wants to jump in and put their point across, they are only wanting to impose what they think they know upon you. They are not there to learn from you, or change their minds, they are just like a tap gushing water and simply take what you say to them as something they need to fit into their world and provided a unified response to.
Jane 30/11/21:
For the purpose of our point it is enough to say that body and mind are mutually dependent and responsive to such an amazing extent that not an eyelid flickers nor does a muscle move nor an artery throb without the knowledge of the mind, and similarly not a memory stirs, nor does a thought strike, nor an idea occur without causing a reaction in the bodyThe close connection between the two may with justice belikened to that existing between a mirror and the object reflected in it. The least change in the object is instantaneously reflected by the mirror and conversely any change in the reflection denotes a corresponding change in the object also
I think we can notice this in certain reactions, like the way our physical body responds to things like a shock to the mind but with the more subtle effects not so much. A cell is mainly empty space that contains consciousness and this is where I believe that we hold things like emotions in every cell of our being. Where mental dis – ease, can set up physical disease.
Working from this angle the first effort of any investigator should be directed towards ascertaining the degree of relationship between the body and the mind to determine whether the conditions and actions of the former invariably affect the latter and vice versa, or if each functions completely or partially as an independent unit. Only a moment's thought is enough to convince even the least intelligent that the body and mind are indissolubly bound to each other from birth to death, each exerting a tremendous influence over the other at every moment of their joint existence to such an extent that many keen observers are sharply divided on the issue as to whether mind is the product of the biochemical reactions of the body or the latter is the result of the ideative processes of the mind
This is an interesting thought, I think we are run on the endocrinal system of bodily chemicals and hormones so it is a bit like the chicken or the egg? π
Laz 30/11/21:
There’s something about the Endocrine system that stuck with me many years ago, and before I knew what it was. It was a bit like the word Kundalini just appearing out of nowhere in my mind, and I remember thinking that it might be some galaxy from a sci-fi movie, and it just kept bugging the hell out of me. I know now that it is a messenger system of hormones, but I still am not sure of the lesson I was supposed to learn!
Jane 30/11/21:
I found myself empty of religious desire, as if washed clean of it, I became uneasyat the thought that it might not be Kundalini, considered to be the inexhaustible fount of divine love and the perennial source of spirituality, which was active in me, but some evil force of darkness dragging me towards the depths of irreli-giosity and impiety
This sounds very much like the dark night of the soul?
At such times the words of the Brahmin Sadhu whom I had consulted during the preceding winter in a state of desperation always came back with an ominous significance. He had said slowly, emphasizing every word to make it sink deep into my terribly agitated mind, that the symptoms I had mentioned could in no way be attributed to Kundalini, the ocean of bliss, as she could never be associated with anything in the nature of pain or disturbance, and that my malady was most probably due to the vicious influence of some evilly disposed elemental spirit. I had been horrified at the words, which, spoken with certainty to a man fighting desperately with madness, spelled death for any spark of hope left in him; and they often came back to me in the darkest moments to shut out the last glimmer of reason still struggling for existence. With sanity restored, but still strangely altered by a strongly marked characteristic, the idea recurred with overwhelming force to harass me when I failed to find a satisfactory explanation for the change
It seems it is not only western medical profession who can be incompetent in this subject but also some who are more aware of the phenomenon and should know better.
Laz 30/11/21:
Yes we are all human π However very few of us are more human than human π
Jane 30/11/21:
Reading this sort of thing really makes me question their knowledge. Maybe it is a cultural thing but from what I know of awakening in the West it is very common for it to be triggered by physical and/or mental trauma that maybe these type of brahmin have never experienced for themselves?
and memories were all reviving rapidly. I felt again the same deep urge for religious experience and the same all-absorbing interest in the supernatural and the mystical. I could again sit all by myself brooding on the yet unanswered problem of being and the riddle of my own existence or listen to devotional songs and mystical poetry with undiminished rapture from the start to finish without the least sign of disturbance or any symptoms of haunting terror. When it happened, the overhanging cloud of a malevolent spirit leading me towards degradation disappeared and my heart expanded in gratitude to the mysterious power working in me
The passing of the dark night period?
If I had within reach a recorded experience even distantly similar to mine or a really competent teacher to guide me, my doubts would have been resolved then and there, by which the whole course of my life might have been different and I might have been saved another equally long and equally awful period of agony, as the one I had just come through
I think we can both relate to Gopi here?
Laz 30/11/21:
Oh yes.
Jane 30/11/21:
But I would say that the greatest success comes from hard graft and an independent path π I know that despite times of grappling in the dark, any external influences could have completely altered my course and dictated my path rather than me forging my own. I was not cut out to conforming to a mould π
As you rightly point out we find ourselves having outgrown what is already known and available on the internet once we see it all as being just a limited piece of the elephant not the complete picture. But maybe our recorded experiences of getting the t-shirt can be of benefit to others who may struggle with the process and question their own sanity?
Laz 30/11/21:
I hope so π I don’t need to save the world from itself, but if I can just help one person I’ll be happy.
Jane 30/11/21:
Well you can put me down on that list as one person for starters π
Laz 30/11/21:
I mean, wow! I’m not quite sure I believe you but thank you. That is an honour to bestow upon me which I do not feel worthy. Weren’t you saved by Kundalini long before we met?
Jane 30/11/21:
You do not have to believe me for something to be true π
Laz 01/12/21:
I am reminded now about the inferior nature of communicating in the written word. I’m still dumbstruck by your words, but I cannot possibly know from your emails what you have been through, so I’ll have to accept what you have written to me π
Jane 30/11/21:
Yes it would be nice to know our knowledge and wisdom could benefit others. I also do not think I need to save the world, I used to!
I have absolute faith that the evolutionary intelligence of the universe is in control and as a servant of the source I will be directed to do whatever I am meant to do. No more, no less π
Laz 30/11/21:
Yes, me too. I will serve in heaven.
Jane 30/11/21:
I had experienced enough to realize that this powerful vital force, once let loose even by accident, cannot be restrained from carrying one onward and upward towards a higher and more penetrating consciousness for which it is the one and the only instrument
Yes as we have said kundalini does you, with a force that can be unstoppable. I think that is why in some by necessity it has to be shut down. I recall how these words became my repetitive mantra saying “onwards and upwards” in my mission, even in the face of the adversity we was dealing with. That was the only way I could see as a projection forwards as to me there was no going backwards π
Laz 30/11/21:
My mantra became “Charge me up sun!” As I prepared to face some ordeal or other π
Jane 30/11/21:
As already mentioned in an earlier chapter, in the initial stages of my experience it appeared as if I were viewing the world through a mental haze, or to be more clear, as if a thin layer of extremely fine dust hung between me and the objects perceived. It was not an optical defect, as my eyesight was as sharp as ever and the haze seemed to envelop not the sensual but the perceptive organ. The dust was on the conscious mirror which reflected the image of the objects. It seemed as if the objects seen were being viewed through a whitish medium, which made them look as if an extremely fine and uniform coat of chalk dust were laid on them without in the least blurring the outline or the normal colour peculiar to each. The coat hung between me and the sky, the branches and leaves of trees, the green grass, the houses, the paved streets, the dress and faces of men, lending to all a chalky appearance, precisely as if the conscious -centre in me, which interpreted sensory impressions, were now operating through a white medium, needing further refinement and cleaning to make it perfectly transparent. As in the case of enlargement of the visual image, I was entirely at a loss to assign a satisfactory reason for this whitish appearance of the objects perceived
So I knew that Gopi had this experience and although I never myself. My friend had something very similar but I could not say if it was from the same cause, i.e. due to kundalini? His vision had a white snow like effect. He had investigations including a brain scan and eye checks but there was no physiological cause found. But one doctor recognised it as what has been recently identified as something called “visual snow syndrome” a neurological condition so what he was experiencing is obviously becoming more common. It was thought to be some kind of electrical impulse energy in the optical part of the brain. It was noted that it was worse when he was under stress so not sure if kundalini played a part in this?
Laz 30/11/21:
I can sort of relate to it, but not as clearly as Gopi states it was for him. With me it was not a dust, more that it was like a lack of focus in my vision.
Jane 30/11/21:
So would you say that an average awakening is the activation of Kundalini? Or a precursor to that? Or as you pointed out the dark night of the soul is part of the awakening and a prelude to a full on kundalini activation?
Laz 30/11/21:
I’m afraid I don’t know what an average awakening would be? But certainly there are hallmarks for a full Kundalini awakening that we’ve spoken about before and a consistency or authenticity that is in each person’s experience. It’s why I always want to read about a persons detailed account π
Jane 30/11/21:
Yeah, with my obsessive curiosity I want to know the ins and outs! When I read a good account I always think I wish they could have been more detailed. Isn’t it a bugger when the most exciting and authentic accounts are from people who are dead! Where it is not possible to get any further elaborations on what they have said?
Jane 30/11/21:
Do you think kundalini gets activated whilst we still have an ego?
Laz 30/11/21:
Yes it is the last gasp of the ego which gets subdued in the process.
Jane 30/11/21:
Is it kundalini that reigns in or even dissolves the ego? Or is the big K kundalini activated by the act of us first taming the ego? I know that following my major surge the lower animal/ human part of me was was mastered like a level up…From animal/human to divine. Evidence to me of what Gopi describes as an evolutionary energy in man π
Laz 02/12/21:
My revelation came last night and my psychodrama peaked, and it resolved to this revelation. The Covid vaccines are widely reported to cause heart and heart sack inflammation (myo and peri) and also the spike protein is reported to be causing blood clots.
These are leading to more strokes and heart attacks in the elderly too. These adverse effects have resulted in injury to many people, with footballers currently in the spotlight. The new Omicron variant is reported to cause high blood pressure and a rapid heart rate due to its 30 mutations, including to the spike protein almost making it a new virus.
The warnings about Omicron are severe and the response is too, why is this? I believe it is because it will speed up the circulatory system and apply additional pressure on one’s heart, hence more heart attacks and strokes will be seen this winter than last in the triple vaccinated, and thus the unspoken justification for the government reaction.
Jane 02/12/21:
I had heard about the high pulse rate but was not aware it causes high blood pressure? So it sounds like some people have been put into a very precarious situation by all of this? And I can see what you mean about the justification being unspoken for the ongoing reaction.
Laz 02/12/21:
I may have mixed that up a bit, I’m sure I read it or heard it somewhere but cannot find it now I’m looking, however I do have a reference to the vaccine doing it, (only in “rare” cases of course, lol)
So same overall result sadly π
Jane 06/12/21:
As modern readers we can identify with our author. Until his experience, and even in spite of a deeply religious attitude, our author was not afraid of the Gods or of the other world. He longed for it and worked daily to reach it. His religious attitude was comparable to the Western man's collective church-going belief. But now, having had a taste of this other world, he is in fear and trembling of anything which has to do with it. More, he is enraged by the usual sort of faith (people coming from places of worship, the usual pious literature, etc.). He finds himself 'devoid completely of every religious sentiment', and cannot understand this alteration in the very depths of my personality'. He is in a God-is-dead phase
We already said we thought this was the case caused by fear of uncertainty in his blind taught faith. Funnily enough I went from seeing church going believers as morons to the opposite.
Laz 06/12/21:
My journey was a bit different, I saw church folk as the ones hiding the secrets of Christianity, to throwing myself into it fully and finding that the congregation are not following the bible and doing some other weird stuff made up by the church leaders. Then to getting into a theology group within the church and studying the bible, only to find that they are way off the core teaching of Jesus, which had 1 command: to love.
Jane 06/12/21:
Yes when I read the Bible I only read the words in red, those supposedly spoken by Jesus, not the rest that were printed in black ink. I saw those as being chosen by the founding fathers of Christianity. When I analysed it the red words were a description of the universal laws.
Laz 06/12/21:
After that I abandoned the CofE and their control over the congregation and went my own way and had a 1-2-1 with an entity that claimed to be Jesus.
Jane 06/12/21:
Again the difference between Gopi and me, I had never believed in god so to me it was the opposite in alteration of personality as I realised …God is alive!
Laz 06/12/21:
For me, I was agnostic and searching. I had always felt there was something more out there, but I found, in accordance with the bible, that the way to the father was through the son and also met with the entity that claimed the name god, and I realised it was the source of consciousness behind it. As above it was always interesting to me that my journey conformed to scripture, but not to the “church” per se. Although in scripture they seem to have neglected to mention that before you can get to Jesus, you must first pass by the devil!
It was also wonderfully freeing to be told by the source that I can reach out to it however I want and don’t need to belong to any of the worlds religions, and I’ve had this thought that I should set up my own church, but that is not my style, and that would be an ego trip I don’t want, hence my iConsciousness idea of doing it yourself π
Jane 06/12/21:
And what a great idea it was too π
From the experience one gathers through working with Western practitioners of organized religion this turn of events is not unusual. A true face-to-face encounter with the numinous shatters all previous religious ideas
I would say this is that separation between religious ideas and a recognition of what source consciousness is.
Laz 06/12/21:
Jane 06/12/21:
Gopi Krishna’s observation that crossing the threshold is not done in one step implies that he however inclines to the first view, that enlightenment has a process character. Obviously as I would have thought that to go from being an unenlightened consciousness to a fully enlightened one in one move would not be possible, the mind would not deal with it? It has to be an incremental process over a period of time as many lessons usually need to be learned and revelations have to be reached before the final goal. One has to learn to stand then walk before they can run.
Laz 06/12/21:
I agree and my journey confirms this for me π
Jane 06/12/21:
The Saint is painted with a halo, implying that sanctity has something todo with illumination, with altered consciousness.He gives a clear account of this alteration. Consciousness and the 'I' are no longer identified. The ego 'instead of aconfining unit, now itself encompassed by a shining conscious globe of vast dimensions'. He struggles with formulation,simile, metaphorβ a common difficulty in the description of this phenomenon, since the formulator (the ego) cannotgrasp the totality of the event. In a nutshell, 'There was ego consciousness as well as a vastly extended field of awareness, existing side by side, both distinct yet one.This formulation is valuable for modern depth psychology. In our therapeutic work we aim at ego-development, assuming that the development of ego and the development of consciousness are one and the same thing. Jung has shown that the ultimate development of the ego is its submission to, even immersion in, a field of wider psychic consciousness with many archetypal foci, much as Gopi Krishna describes the 'I' as immersed in the pool of light 'yet fully cognizant of the ... volume of consciousness all around ...'. The problem in modern depth psychology is: how do we combine the idea of ego extension and development with the idea of extended and developed awareness?
I mean by this: the two, ego and consciousness, are not the same; can they be developed independently of each other?
Laz 06/12/21:
That’s an interesting question which is stretching me π Thank you for posing it as I now need to do some deep thought on the idea…
I have always been conscious but I grew an ego which needed to be tamed and put back in its box. Throughout, my consciousness grew independently and parallel of the machinations of my ego. Maybe I am unusual in this respect and I “feel” that ego may eclipse consciousness in some people such that their behaviour is unconscious with the only driving force being the ego wanting more attention, and better material possessions.
Jane 06/12/21:
I have told you from the start that you are unusual in this respect when I compare you to other people π
Laz 06/12/21:
These egos may drown consciousnesses for pure lust and surround themselves with sycophantic suck ups in the form of smaller egos on their own power trips who act as enablers to the core ego. Thus you can end up with the opposite condition to enlightenment, that of consciousness held tightly in a box, unable to get out, and the ego is 100% in charge and believing that it is everything.
Perhaps then most people have a balance between the two, like yin yang, but certain individuals polarise to the extremes? Maybe as we are thinking about opposites; it is the natural inclination of the egoless to seek solitude!
Jane 06/12/21:
Absolutely agree. Plus the detachment from the idiocracy that can be an absolute waste of energy to engage in.
Jane 06/12/21:
I think we lose that self centred ‘I’ as an ego identity? So this dramatic sounding shining conscious globe and the literal external radiance around Gopi’s head is not something I can say I experienced I was more aware of it as being a metaphor in an expansion in conscious awareness. I would say thank goodness we do not have a visual halo or else it would be very difficult to hide and remain unknown and anonymous π
Laz 06/12/21:
I think you know what I’m going to say! I’ve never seen anything and am spiritually blind π
One idea that I have is that this idea can be equated to human electromagnetic field theory, in that we have a magnetic field emanating from our heads and joining at our mid sections. I can get on board with the feeling of this as I have felt it. As to whether it is electro magnetic I can’t tell, but I could believe that one can charge this emanation and project it out at a higher “voltage” when Kundalini is in full swing.
Jane 06/12/21:
Yes I agree.
Jane 06/12/21:
I would agree that ego and consciousness are different and can be developed separately maybe that is reason why the ego is not recognised as such in the Yaqui philosophy where instead the emphasis seems to be placed more on the quality of impeccability?
The alteration of his religious attitude and his fear of the supernatural brought home to our author two lessons. First, a new appreciation of the values in this world (family, feeling connections, work and colleagues, health, the simple things); second, that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. In other words, the fear of the supernatural has made him aware of his own natural limits. The other world has become terrifyingly, experientially real; he has felt its power, not just known of it from books and teachings. He becomes the 'homo religiosus' through the very fear itself, which is nothing else than awe, the primary religious emotion
I have never felt a fear of the lord. Have you?
Laz 06/12/21:
I believe this fear of supernatural, and now I am more aware/susceptible to this stuff I feel anxiety at horror movies for example, and I never used to. I think it’s the once bitten twice shy phenomenon!
Jane 06/12/21:
I really cannot tolerate that kind of negativity either. The energy frequencies are horrible to me.
Laz 06/12/21:
As for fearing the lord, it depends on which lord you refer to! I’ve feared lord Lucifer, but no others.
Jane 06/12/21:
I never feared that but maybe that is because I used to be that? π Maybe it was a case of once I had dealt with and destroyed it within myself I had no such entity to fear outside of myself?
Laz 06/12/21:
I’m there with you now and I think everyone must go through this stage π
Jane 06/12/21:
In fact just the opposite. Maybe that could be because the god fearing phase is part of the religious teachings and experience for lower levels of consciousness where the ego thinks it is master? Chapter 11.
I looked intently in front and around again and again, rubbing my eyes to assure myself that I was not dreaming. No, I was surely in the centre of the Secretariat quadrangle, moving slowly in the midst of a bustling throng hastening in all directions, like them in all other respects except that I was looking at the world with a different vision
So reading this reminds me of that ‘stopping the world” kind of moment of realisation, like the ones you have talked about.
Laz 06/12/21:
Jane 06/12/21:
I saw the world as being speeded up from my perception and far too fast paced for me due to my slowed brainwaves. I knew that It wasn’t going to slow down enough for me to be able to interact with it. I think it may have been in that moment that i “saw” the matrix? But I was seeing it from a physical reality perspective. I think it may have took me a while following that visual perceptual revelation before I “saw” the matrix from the psychological mind of reality perspective. As in I got to properly observe it from a humanitarian perspective and see the big picture of exactly what the matrix is!
Laz 06/12/21:
This reminds me, I watched the new Matrix Resurrection trailer the other day and it said the story is not what you think it is going to be! I was more intrigued π
Jane 06/12/21:
Yeah, I am looking forward to seeing what they come up with next too π
Laz 06/12/21:
Just seen that a Matrix Experience has been released for free on PlayStation today. will be trying that later π
Jane 06/12/21:
I often think when reading other peoples experiences like this and the Don Juan stuff. I wander if that is how they saw it? Would the matrix film have blown their minds as it did mine? Like I did not and could not put a conceptual terminology to it until I was made aware of the matrix film.
Laz 06/12/21:
Ah! for me it was merely confirmation of what I knew. The following films interested me more but they were very hard to understand, I think the overall message of the 2 sequels was that there will be an equal and opposite awakening to your own, and it will require that you face off against, for want of a better term, the antichrist.
Jane 06/12/21:
Until then the closest I could get to relate to the psycho-spiritual aspect of it was the eastern terminology of “seeing the maya” , REALITY for what it is, and therefore the illusion.
In the Advaita Vedanta school of Hindu philosophy, Maya is "the powerful force that creates the cosmic illusion that the phenomenal world is real."In this non dualistic school, Maya is the source of ignorance which causes the finite, empirical ego to be mistaken for the infinite Self (Atman)" "Days and weeks passed without alteration in the lustrous form of sight. A bright silvery sheen around every object, across the entire field of vision, became a permanent feature of my being
Again I did not experience this.
Laz 06/12/21:
Me either
Jane 06/12/21:
What I perceived was like seeing as in comprehending things illuminated in greater depth. As in understanding, like in high definition. The analogy being the difference between a flat 2d image to a 3d image. I guess you could say the truth of the matrix came alive? In my discernment when reading information in 2d it was like the words that were truth would stand out like a 3d image on the page, caught my attention. Like one of those magic eye images that requires a specific focus to see.
I could not stand medication during illness or fasting and invariablyresorted to dietetic remedies to get well
David Hawkins spoke about this and explained that in an enlightened being one is more sensitive to drugs and therefore less dosages of medication may be required where it is necessary.
The first time I became aware of an alteration in my dream consciousness was during the night in February 1938 when I passed the crisis, tasting sleep after several weeks of insomnia accompanied by a maddening mental condition
It was only by the extreme period of insomnia that I could identify my 40 day period as being a definite stage. When you do not sleep it is a stand out thing. As the days and nights went by for the first week i was absolutely exhausted by it but then seemed to push through a barrier where I no longer felt I needed sleep. By the 6th week i had become accustom to it and no longer gave it much thought. It was on the 41st day that I actually went through the waking up stage of conscious awareness in the morning and recognised that for the first time I had actually slept! It was around 6 months later that on reflection I worked out that the time from my wedding anniversary, when it started to the 6th of January when I slept was in fact 40 days and nights. As I have said the fact that 6th January turned out to be the day of epiphany in the Christian calendar kind of blew my mind. It is funny but any major revelation or realisation I have lasts for just a moment before my mind thinks… “meh, ok, no big deal” π
Laz 06/12/21:
Yeah, I have that too, it’s about being detached from sense pleasures π One should not revel in euphoria or despair!
Jane 06/12/21:
In the beginning and for many months it appeared as if a piston, working in the spinal tube at the bottom, were throwing up stream after stream of a very lustrous fluid, impalpable but distinctly visible, with such force that I actually felt my whole body shaking with the impact of the current to such an extent as made the bed creak at times
Not sure what Gopi means by making the bed creak here but i know that when I used to vibrate the whole bed would vibrate. I found that the more grounded I was being made to be by circumstances the more I vibrated like my physical being was trying to match the resonance with my environment as if I was out of synch with it. It still happens occasionally but as I have said it feels more from my centre of gravity and only now as I am waking from sleep.
Laz 06/12/21:
That’s interesting, I have not considered that when I vibrate with Kundalini shakti energy, my surroundings pick it up!
Jane 06/12/21:
I could not grasp how the human organism with an unalterable legacy of numberless hereditary factors stretching back for millions of years by which it is moulded into a certain shape, possessing a certain strictly circumscribed brain power and intelligence, could be rebuilt from within to a far different or higher type of cerebral activity, enabling it to transcend the limits prescribed by nature for it from birth
Laz 06/12/21:
These aren’t your words above but it is a subject that is on my mind earlier, and due to my reading of grail legends. I feel a website article will result soon!
Jane 06/12/21:
This made me smile because I already knew that. after reading and thinking about your email on the subject that exact same thought immediately came into my mind too….I could feel you would have a website entry coming on here…:D
Jane 06/12/21:
This is what I think too that people are born with a specific receiver/transmitter capability to attain a certain level of consciousness but we can transcend that by rebuilding and modifying our equipment.
Under the action of a stronger current than that for which it was designed, any man-made mechanism, even a hundredth part as sensitive and intricate as the human frame is, would be wrecked or damaged immediately, but because of certain inherent qualities, developed by the human organism as a means of evolution, the sudden release of the serpent power, provided the blood is healthy and the organs sound, is not attended by fatal results in favourable cases because of safety devices already provided by nature to meet a contingency of this kind in individuals ready for the experience
Yes i would agree with this and especially that the psyche/mind has to be prepared. I find it quite fascinating that our inner Kundalini master can do all of the preparation without our awareness.
It was obvious that by some mysterious process the precious secretion of the seminal glands was drawn up into the spinal tube and through the interlinking nerves transferred into a subtle essence, then distributed to the brain and the vital organs, darting across the nerve filaments and the spinal cord to reach them. The suction was applied with such vigour as to be clearly apparent, and sometimes in the early stages with such violenceas to cause actual pain to the delicate parts
I used to regularly experience an electric type of energy so intense that it did feel like my genital area felt like it was burning and on fire almost to the point of pain. But as i have already said i believe it to be supercharged prana. I am also now thinking that maybe another difference i was dealing with in the intensity of my experience could have been due to this anatomical and physiological fact….The clitoris has more than 8,000 sensitive nerve endings, in the tip alone, double the amount of a penis. But it doesnβt stop there: it is an organ where most of it is internal in the body and can be up to 5 inches long: Sensations started in the clitoris can spread across the pelvic area, affecting about 15,000 other nerve endings. From the commentary on chapter 5 to this book, already mentioned it has helped me make more sense regarding the sexual aspect of the energy where a non volitional, non external stimulation but automatic activation of the lower chakra often felt like it was at an unbearably high voltage to me! I don’t know if it was an imbalance or problem within me causing that? It has also made me wonder if the phenomenon could be anything to do with the cause behind wide spread sexual exploitation and abuse within churches and religious cults?
Laz 06/12/21:
How? I don’t understand the connection!
Jane 06/12/21:
As seemed to be implied in the commentary on that chapter regarding sexuality. Dion Fortune recognised this fact and mentions it as an energy that when in excess, may need to be run off down the physical vehicle but was only allowed via sexual orgasm in those, always men, who were married. non marital sex was a no-no in those days and she thought masturbation was a sin that would send one to hell. Lmao. And in those cases where it was not possible or in the unmarried they used what she called a “device like an electric lightening conductor” to ground the energy, well as you may imagine my curious mind was absolutely boggled by that!! ? It still is π
It was easy to see that the aim of this entirely new and unexpected activity was to divert the seminal essence to the head and other vital organs, after sublimation, apparently to meet a contingency caused by a sudden disorder in any organ or a general discord inimical to the new development
It is confusing when you go solo and don’t know what you are doing but I can understand that sublimation now and that by not releasing the sex/life force energy through the lower channel it has to disperse upwards through the chakras and I had to learn to do this which was not easy to begin with due to the sheer intensity. I also understand now how when Kundalini energy is focused and used in the higher centres in the head or the higher mind realm it has higher creative purposes and triggers things like inspiration in the intelligent abstract or divine realms where there is a widely held belief that new knowledge can spring from? Back to knowledge comes from intent..as per Castaneda teachings. There are levels of spirituality on any path ranging from neophyte to master so as I previously mentioned there has to be a difference in correlating levels of intent? E.g. between self intent and divine intent as for me in surrender I am a neutral energy that requires stimulus. I feel like my level of intent is now just being an open channel. Where it is a case of…it is not me but the source energy within me that does the work.
Laz 06/12/21:
I can relate to that π
Jane 06/12/21:
It is well documented that the level of genius in things like scientific discovery comes from the same energy. Of course an ego thinks that it is the cause of such a thing and will understandably lap up the credit. Maybe it is only from having an ego level of intent that makes for such kinds of genius in the first place?
With the power of observation left to me even in the initial distraught condition of the mind, I could not fail to take notice of such a startling development in the sexual region functioning quite normally until that time. I could not fail to mark the agitated condition of the hitherto quiescent area now in a state of feverish activity and ceaseless movement as if forced by an invisible but effective mechanism, not in operation before, to produce the life fluid in superabundance without cessation, in order to meet the unending demand of the cerebral lobes and the nervous system. After only a few days of observation of this unmistakable organic phenomenon the idea dawned on me that I had unwittingly forced opena yet imperfectly developed centre in the brain by the long-continued practice of concentration, and that the abnormal and apparently chaotic play of vital currents which I clearly felt was a natural effort of the organism to control the serious situation thus created. It was also apparent that in this grave emergency the body was making abundant use of the richest and most potent source of life energy in it, the vital essence, always available in the region commanded by Kundalini
I was never sure if i should have been releasing the energy through orgasms or not. But until i got a handle on it all there were times i had no choice as it was the only way to calm things down. It seems that in some cases the male can find it difficult to endure but as a female i think it was just as difficult.
I make but a simple statement of fact when I say that for years I was like one bound hand and foot to a log racing madly on a torrent, saved miraculously time after time from dashing to death against the many boulders projecting out of the swirling water on every side by just a narrow margin and in the nick of time, turning and twisting this way and that, as ifguided by a marvellously quick and dexterous hand, infallibly correct in its movement
This would be my analogy to being directed by what i percieved as my satellite navigation system. Like running across a multilane motorway with ones eyes closed. As the ignorant innocent. And why i had to place my trust in source and never put up resistance for fear of cocking things up not seeing that bigger picture.
The self-conscious observer in me, the self-styled possessor of the carnal frame, now completely subjugated and pushed into the background, found himself utterly at the mercy, literally under the feet, of an awe-inspiring power indifferent to what he thought and felt, proceeding impassively to deal with the body as it chose without even conceding to him the right to know what he had done to merit the indignity
I used to feel like that at times, like my higher self was indifferent and detached to what it was putting me through. But I understood why and never took it personally. And i never saw it as an indignity? Not sure what Gopi means here?
Laz 06/12/21:
I think it goes back to those ideas of surrender and of Kundalini “doing you” Gopi was not in control and let it happen, and to a lesser individual this may have been perceived as rude an embarrassing that they are no longer in control.
Jane 06/12/21:
It was all very covert for me so I can only think that maybe something was causing him embarrassment? Or maybe he felt the loss of control as a kind of indignity?
Laz 06/12/21:
Yes, I agree π
Jane 06/12/21:
Laz 06/12/21:
That’s very Jonathan Pie like! π