Our MPs have no conscience – so we must supply one
YESTERDAY MPs flunked their opportunity to ditch the dictatorial Coronavirus Act, enacted ‘in a sort of mesmerised trance, without a vote, half a year ago’, as Peter Hitchens said at the weekend.
There was some sign of hope in the last week that some members might vote down its renewal. But in the event the hyped-up rebellion led by Sir Graham Brady settled for an amendment to the renewal of the Act to secure their vote for it. This was that there should be prior parliamentary scrutiny of major national coronavirus regulations.
So that was it, and this dreadful Act, which grants potentially dangerous powers which include detaining some persons indefinitely, taking biological samples, and giving directions about dead bodies; powers which last up to two years with six-monthly reviews, plus lockdown powers that can prevent protests against such measures, is there for another six months before it can be reviewed again by Parliament.
Our MPs have no conscience – so we must supply one _ The Conservative Woman