Jane 17/03/21:
What I am noticing lately. I have lost all interest in the world again. I used to keep up to date with everything, especially what was going on in the US. I had to keep an overall big picture of what I was dealing with, and the implications of things. even politically. I was always noticing the £ to $ exchange rates, and difference in time zones. It’s really been a bit like playing a game in the matrix, through apps on my tablet. I cannot focus my mind or awareness on anything, I can’t watch tv or read trivial stuff. It is such a dramatic change. I suppose I just have to get used to it again 🙂
Laz 17/03/21:
Jane 17/03/21:
This is getting really strange now. It feels like my whole world is changing back to how it was. It’s taking some readjusting because it feels like inter dimensional switching. My conscious awareness is in a totally different realm. I just cannot ground for more than a few minutes at all! I cannot watch tv or point my focus anywhere in the matrix. I have white noise like vibrations in my ears/head. I have lost my sense of “time”, as in days going by. I am hardly sleeping, yet don’t feel tired. I feel slightly spaced out, I have been getting sensations as if I am being lifted up, it feels physical but I wonder if it’s just in my mind?
Laz 17/03/21:
Doesn’t sound crazy to me at all, and i’m sorry if connecting with me is causing you issues.
Jane 17/03/21:
No need to be concerned about my issues, I will deal with them. I just have to go with the flow of it all and not put up resistance in my mind. It is as if the connection back to you is allowing me to find my “natural” place again. I have just got to get my head around it again. We are even both told by the medical profession that we have health conditions when we don’t!
I was told I had a genetic disorder but I didn’t. It is enough to make you feel like you are in an alternate reality. I actually think I am. You are probably right about the archetypes when you think about it, before there was any other choice for the uneducated it would have been a choice between paganism, Christianity and then the secret societies for the so called, elite. It is fascinating the way that these archetypes play out within us. The road to Calvary. The labours of Hercules. Path after path, like going down the rabbit holes with Alice in wonderland.
Jane 17/03/21:
I spent years in this kind of zoned out state before I had to ground, I still functioned in my limited mobility but on energy saving mode. I am mainly alone so people around me are not even aware of the change. In my mind realm I can get what I call OCD, I got this whenever I had to send out information into the matrix. In emails I had to compile, from my professional role of advocate, going into the matrix. This was full on unconditional responsibility and accountability of professional ethics stuff. I was on trial! Whenever I hit “send” on my tablet, that was the way my “energy” was being sent in to the matrix, in words. Making my mark!
In writing. GOD’S HONEST PROFESSIONAL TRUTH. the tangible subjective evidence. Because I was always respectfully right, but in most part ignored but it was documented. God’s written word, if you like. All I had at my disposal was a tablet. I was someone’s only friend and advocate in another country and was it was all coming through the portal of a tablet. I mean seriously Laz it’s like when you say it out loud, it sounds crazy! But that’s been my life since becoming a servant of God.
If I described it to a psychiatrist it probably is what a matrix doctor would call being an OCD psychiatric disorder, yet source utilises it, in me anyway, as a skill! I have many such paradoxical “symptoms”. It cracks me up to think that a servant of God has to be deemed “mental” yet remain perfectly sane to get out of society In order to be free enough to do God’s will.
Laz 17/03/21:
I know, but in the world where Satan has dominion over man this is to be expected and is part of the tests we must endure 🙂 I got a text message from the NHS telling me it was time for my vaccine “because I have an underlying health condition”. I thought, what is this health condition that they are telling me about. Then I thought could this be my mental health they are referring to? It doesn’t say but if it is that, then this approach of theirs, if they would think about it, would drive me further away from them, not closer! Therefore this is another test of my will and my resolve.
Jane 17/03/21:
The eastern tradition would recognise someone like me because in their culture this is more understood. They actually revere the craziness and take care of them as their minds wander. Here it took a year for my “situation” to be pseudorealised (they don’t have a clue) before my leg muscles wasted away and the matrix diagnosis that they gave me allowed me to legitimately “bail out” and be looked after. Including my family and societies expectations of me but only after fighting for 2 years like hell against doctors and for my NHS occupational pension and the government assistance I am legitimately entitled to!
Laz 17/03/21:
You and i both recognise the growth in the spiritual realm from going crazy and returning like eastern cultures also do 🙂
Jane 17/03/21:
Now that was another long hard fought professional battle as well as what you could say “rage against the political machine” but that was a lower level one, that one was for my own benefit. For my very financial life survival in this world. For my own justice. I am only now seeing a pattern forming… 🙂 I was in full flow of yet another professional battle I was conducting on my hubby’s behalf, and was at the finishing line, when God said to me “out of Egypt, I call my son” ….JANE, BACK OFF! from it all.
You have no idea how hard that was, especially for my ego because believe me I used to relish in such challenges, I almost got off on them! I was in my element, like a Rottweiler with a bone, I couldn’t put it down. I would spend hours working on them. I didn’t believe in a god as an atheist but I sure as hell believed in myself! That was the order in which it was meant to go for me. I knew I was going to win, I was going to win a legal battle, worth a lot of money…. but astonishing myself I immediately obeyed. Dropped everything! Then went on to immediately hit my 40 day period/kundalini experience.
I had lost the need to “win” or prove myself, I had proved myself and skills to god and that was enough for me and presumably him. Do you know what I have realised? I couldn’t be an expert in any one topic, I had to be a Jack of all trades, master of none! Medicine, law, whatever I had to deal with. Source only needs you to know the basics. I was the “apprentice” a lot on my journey, it was like I could study the craft and learn the trade so to speak but not put it into practice, e.g. witchcraft. White side. Very like Christianity.
Laz 17/03/21:
I much prefer the lifestyle of a Jack of all trades, master of none. I cannot stand experts with their pinnacle of knowledge in one niche area, and no skills in any other part of life! Trouble is that kind of person is revered in our society and people want to achieve some of that for themselves. More power tripping 🙂 It is much better to have the skills like you do to pick stuff up, learn it, and be competent enough to do the thing well.
Jane 17/03/21:
A true white witch lives by “do no harm”. A true “magicians” role was to use alchemy to find enlightenment. Christian church turned it into a perceived “evil” so giving rise to the Witchfinder general and mainly females suffered. I was going through a whole Witchcraft ritual as a practice session. When I got to the bit where the written instructions were saying ” make your wish here ” my mind was put on the spot, I couldn’t think of anything, so all I said was “I wish to be fully surrendered to the will of god”.
Laz 17/03/21:
For some reason I boiled down all of human archetypes to three, a triad of secret society members, Christians, and Witches. I’ve no idea where this grouping came from but I felt it to be so real, and saw evidence of it everywhere!
Jane 17/03/21:
In the lost gospels, found, but had been left out of the bible, there is the gospel of Mary. (obviously female disciple) It describes the child Jesus as using “magic” , this is a harmless way of using the elementals, but only if its white. Again we come back to polarities of black v white, good v evil, use v abuse. You cannot have true “HIStory” without the balance of “HERstory”. The very reason people really cannot trust anything, in their blindness is because the truth has been so selectively twisted! And there is the density of mind veil after veil, filter after filter of bullshit to get through.
Laz 17/03/21:
This made me laugh 😀