Belief In Religion

As humans we have two parts to our existence, part A of our belief is a very material calculation in our lives, of the positions we hold and the wealth we acrue. It allows us to make progress and to earn a living, to reproduce and to find comfort in earthly matters. It is however a mistake to ignore the other side of human nature, and this is a spiritual weirdness that some people try to ignore as they focus purely on the material side.

The material side of humanity does not bring joy, satisfaction, or love. It is purely mechanical and dictates that we are but animals who have a limited lifespan, and that we will die with little meaning other than the pursuit of pleasure. This does not sit well with the illogical side of our brain; in the shape of part B of our belief.

It is this wild emotional part that causes people firstly to ask “What is this life I have?” and then consider “What happens to me after I die?” These are questions that underline the world religions and why the majority of us seek out religion. They cannot be addressed by science or by gaining material posessions, and they are the secret to purpose and happiness in life.

I should say that I believe in the idea that “you have a god shaped hole in you, and if you do not fill this with god then you will inevitably fill it with something else, to become an unhappy and corrupt being”. However I do not promote any religion as most of them have been abused as a form of control over humanity. Sure, you can find spiritual meaning in the context of each of the world religions, but this is predominiantly a side effect of the controlling nature that drives those organisations. Ambitious people who see this, want that control which religion offers more than any enlightenment, and they climb the ranks of religions for the sake of power only. They exert a religious arrogance that is not what should be done. But I will park religion here and simply refer now on to the quest for spiritual meaning, outside of any religious context.

So you are a two part being that cannot be fulfilled by purely exercising one part of yourself. It is this pursuit of spirituality then, the quest in what ever form – that brings you the needed emotional stability to weather the storms of life and to put up with pain as a means to undersanding your role here on Earth. I think it is Peterson that says you should aim to cope with as much burden as you are able without it destoying you as a means to living a good life, and I can relate to this. For this side of our brain it is the struggle that brings purpose and meaning; think Sisyphus forever pushing his boulder up that hill! And it is a learned relsilience that enables us to push through hard times to be successful. Winners never quit, and quitters never win!

With a mindset like this you will be able to question the “whys” of the world and learn about how different cultures address them. Ultimately you will find purpose in life through doing this, and in performing your purpose you will perhaps become an enlightened individual who honours spirit over the abilities some claim as their own. Doing the right thing when others are not watching is also a part of this mindset, or even if they are watching and telling you to do otherwise! Your life will not be easy in this endeavour but you will have happiness and satisfaction that your path, no matter how hard, is worthwhile.

As for the afterlife you may attain certain experiences on your spiritual journey that will open your eyes to things beyond the material, to miracles, and to the meaning you seek. This may be seen as an evil Gnostic approach to some, but trust that it is not the devils work to find answers, and you will obtain peace and confidence over the anxiety that simply faith brings.

The opposite to this “formation of god in the human brain” is desperation. To dismiss the spirit ouright and to focus only on self and what one can acquire and build in life, is a path straight to hell. You will leave yourself open to arrogance and depression, believeing you are better than all others because of what you’ve personally achieved. Equally knowing that you lied and cheated and stole to get what you have, and now you have to live with that knowledge, leads to a very dark personality. You will be constantly anxious and horrible to be around. People will pretend to like and maybe revere you, but it will be only as long as they are getting something in return or until they depose you.

So you will grow to fear your fellow man out of a need to protect what is yours, essentially corrupting your innocence and inner peace. In trying to gain more and more you will do worse and worse things and slowly your humanity will die, and with it any chance of enlightenment. Ultimately what will fill your god hole will be the opposite of what should be there, and you shall ultimatley die a terrifed human being.

It is written that if you metaphorically die while you are alive, then you will not experience death when your physical existence comes to an end, and I beleive this, having already been through it myself. Near Death Experiences change a person and are essentially a test of your humanity. That is not to say that you will always pass, but if you have performed the prior spiritual growth then you stand a chance at least. People do of course fail at this stage even if they live, and forever get corrupted by it. They torture themselves for failing like some kind of Renfield character out of fiction. But for those who pass this test, they have a future filled with spirit and with an understanding of the essence of life itself.

For your sake please become the latter!

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