While I believe that we are all equal as human beings, it seems our society divides us into groups from an early age, and many become Non Player Characters. NPC is a gaming term that is used to describe procedurally designed characters in computer games. These have limited behaviour and serve a single purpose within the context of the game. They cannot think for themselves or act out of their own volition. They are controlled by their programming and are not human, unlike the the person playing the game.

Since childhood we all are taught to do as we are told, to not question, to not think deeply about things, that there is safety in the herd, and that it’s dangerous to go it alone. This is our education both at home and in the school for our formative years, this outlook carries humanity into adulthood and so adult organisations exist along the same lines. NPCs do as they are told, believe what they are told, put up with things that they shouldn’t, and they respond like they they were trained. They are human automatons and their beliefs change in line with the programming they receive, this can change often and they are all expected to just switch over with the herd.

I went through the same childhood training as everyone else, however I rejected it at an early school age for whatever reason! I remember an early philosophical thought of mine that I was the only real person in my school class! So fast forward a couple of decades and I look at the world now and find the majority of people are these NPCs; the way they interact with me and with each other is procedural and shallow, as if programmed. It is like they are robots, parroting what they have heard on TV, what they think they aught to say to fit in, and pretending to be happy when they are not. I’m sure there is a core nugget in them somewhere that is still uncontrolled, and it may come out under the influence of drugs or alcohol, but in the most part they put up with bad stuff, carry on blindly, they repeat the same thing over and over, and sadly they populate the human game that we find ourselves in.

These people believe not in the truth, but rather in what their superiors tell them is true. There is no evidence required and if their leader speaks, it becomes a gospel message that they will then convey to others and staunchly defend. This makes them easily manipulated, and of course their go to move in defending things is to get angry. Then if one persists with them, their program conflicts with itself and crashes, then they play the victim and accuse you of bullying.

As to the ones in the small percentage that are not NPCs, these human players tend to fall into two groups; the ones that want to use NPCs to their advantage, and those who want to help the NPCs grow. You could characterize these groups as the personality of say either Patrick Bateman from the The American Psycho movie, or Morpheus from the Matrix movie. The Bateman’s want to use and abuse the majority for their own gain, and the Morpheus’ want to wake people up by contrast.

If you are hearing this, I can guess which group you are in, and I want to discuss with you how to wake up the sleeping humans. We know that they are some who are not ready to wake and will angrily refuse any kind of deviation from their beliefs, so these ones are best left alone. However there are some that are on the edge of sleep. They are almost blinking awake to the idea that what they are doing and what they believe is wrong, and they are maybe questioning things themselves. These are the ones that can be helped.

Helping then is the idea of stopping NPCs sleeping, with the aim of having people think for themselves as a standard model of behaviour. In doing so I believe that many evil acts that humans take part in would be prevented, as this requires human puppets, and further we could start a genuine co-operative of individuals. I would love to see an end to selfishness; which leads to conflict, and love to see an era of honest human endeavours for the benefit of all, through contractual relationships.

If you are a Bateman type and you are reading this, then know that I know your tricks and will not fall for them, your deception will not work on me. As is said about another fake character; you know your time is short, and you have already lost. Your downfall is written in the method you use to achieve a win.

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