This Website is a map

It is a map that shows a journey of one man, from the wide eyed open to anything youth, into the wiser and narrower eyed old man.
It is path to be followed by another like me (male/female/something else) who wants to set off on an experience of a lifetime.
Be warned though, here be dragons! This road leads to your salvation, but only if you hold the truth, honesty, and courage as your guides. Otherwise it may hold your demise.
The treasure is great but the revalations will change who you were at the beginning, if you are looking for an adventure in life I can recommend nothing better
Having the spirit to struggle against he will of this world is admirable but in doing so you will lose any conceptions of it that you have at the beginning.
So with that said; Bilbo, Evey, Luke, Rey, Neo, Tris, Nada, Katniss, Romney, Ellen, Cooper, Clarice, who ever you are; set forth and grow!