Laz 04/04/21:

I’ve just read an article on mind control, while scoffing chocolate! I appear to be totally resistant to manipulation, coercion, gaslighting, and alike. Do you feel the same way? It’s like like all the propaganda that convinces others means nothing to me and I see right through it.

Jane 04/04/21:

Ah, mind control. Fascinating subject. Going on continuously and on multiple levels including subliminally. It’s like a mind web/grid permeating the matrix realms. Plug em in, control their minds. Lol 

I am absolutely immune to it. See right through it, it’s almost as if truth just pops out at you. You cannot control a balanced mind by feeding falsehood into it, just ain’t possible. As we know all is energy, to me propaganda is very low in resonance, doesn’t catch my attention unless I am purposefully looking at it as propaganda. Once you are aware of it it blows your mind at just how crafty and subtle it can be.

I read about it in David Icke’s work and then looked into it further and it kind of gave me the idea and formula to use on my own mind. As with everything in life where there is abuse there is potential for use. I saw the positive aspect of mind control when I used it on myself!

When I allowed my higher self to take command and purposefully made a regime for myself to follow with things like affirmations. I called it being mind controlled by source and knew I was in good hands :)That’s the one thing I don’t mind being controlled by 🙂

Laz 04/04/21:

I like it, and I knew you also would not be subject to it’s magic 🙂 I would say that NLP is positive mind control, and I was trained in that a few years ago, I try to use it on my kids but as I’m not much of a salesman I suppose it doesn’t really work from someone who hates the idea anyway!

I guess doing the will of the source is a kind of mind control like you say, so maybe I’ll have to modify my statement about being totally resistant. Although I wouldn’t do any thing I disagreed with, even if it came from the source. 

Jane 04/04/21:

Again, you just measure the energies, anything coming from source vibrates so high it’s obvious that it is divine in nature. When you give up your will to Source there is no risk because it couldn’t and wouldn’t make you do something you disagreed with because you are working on the same wavelength. Synched. 

Laz 04/04/21:


Jane 05/04/021:

Lol. No more series of the IT crowd to watch. The finale was the most hilarious of all of the series. I laughed out loud almost from beginning to the end. That was a funny way to get a comedy fix, lol Just got to find a new comedy to watch now ? Lol. Any suggestions?  Morning.

Laz 05/04/21:

It is a personal favorite of mine 🙂 There’s not much else out there that I’ve liked in recent years to be honest, the lady reporter on the Mash Report was very funny but that’s been cancelled now 🙁

Jane 05/04/21:

I think I am just looking for humour again.  I need to find some comedy. Lmao.

Laz 05/04/21:

It’s not TV, but online Andrew Lawrence, and JP sears are both funny.

Jane 05/04/21:

Thanks for the recommendation I honestly did not know where to even start to look? lol. I found the first one on YouTube and omg ! …..It’s so fucking funny!  OK. ….how to start your day off with an experience lasting exactly 7 minutes and 49 seconds that takes you into a realm of pure comedy

Laz 05/04/21:

He pretty much does daily sketches on twitter, they are so rude! 

Jane 05/04/21:

That’s hilarious.  He does that every day? I’m not on Twitter. 

Laz 05/04/21:

pretty much, a different character each time:

Just watched Jacob’s Ladder the movie, following our mentioning it the other day. Was very interesting to me, given what I’ve been through with Kundalini. It was stunningly apparent to me that forgiveness of self was a core theme of the story and is something that I can attest to.

Jane 05/04/21:

Absolutely. Forgiveness is the key. But people usually only think it is important to forgive others and everything will be ok….wrong! That’s only half of the metaphysical law of ‘ do unto others as you would have done unto you ” It works two way with the completion of do unto yourself what we do to others. Including forgiveness. “Guilt” “sin” ….the human mind is so easily programmed to feel these things.

I mean not a bad thing as a moral lesson for life learning but unfortunately it gets pummeled into not only the conscious mind but deep down in the subconscious mind. That is where the bulk of this stuff gets stored. Makes us feel unworthy. It’s the theme of the ego and it revels in it. Whilst people have ego’s in control they act/think from the subconscious energies without even realising it.

This is why “free will” is nonsense when the mind is not free. When I explained the technique to my daughter of what she had to do to exorcise her “demons” I explained that the most important thing to remember was to include herself or else the job is only half done. I couldn’t be absolutely certain she had done it fully, until I witnessed the results. 

I read the synopsis of the film, yes I can see how there are similarities to some of your experiences. Have you ever felt like you have experienced Post Traumatic stress disorder on your path? 

Laz 05/04/21:

Oh totally! PTSD was with me for months after, re-living the events over and over. Weirdly I only started to get over PTSD like 3 years later when I saw this councilor who acknowledged my issues and the reality of secret societies, propaganda, the history of people going through such spiritual transformations themselves, and of the existence of evil.

It was like every other medical professional wanted to tell me it was all nonsense and they would stop me in my tracks, preventing me from explaining, then would judge me and prescribe drugs! All that just perpetuated the situation, but to have someone actually listen and agree, but then point out the percentages and chances of such things happening, and then of my own experience since the events occurrences, demonstrating to me that things I perceived were not actually becoming reality for me as they would already have happened, e.g. if my work had wanted to kill me, they would have done it by now.

This rationalisation helped me stop the repeating of PTSD.

Jane 05/04/21:

Yes, good counsellors have a very special set of skills. They look at the issue from a different perspective than doctors and see a bigger picture with an holistic perspective of the patient. Their main skills come from….”listening”, and not simply an exchange of words, a rare skill in the medical profession 🙂 

Laz 05/04/21:

I mean that’s a very text book reason 🙂 I think more specifically she was worldly and knew history, and accepted that bad things can happen to good people. 

Laz World