Jane 29/03/21:

This is interesting, it is talking about a concept in the old true good secret societies teachings on how they “operated”. Using alcohol and a state of trance. I think for me the alcohol acts as a “male” ally, the weed a “female” ally. 

You need a male aspect for any stimulus. And both for creation. Then it becomes it’s own self perpetuating closed circuit. I know that vodka is super stimulating particularly for my mind realm. Apparently the bloke that worked out the scientific periodic table of elements, did it whilst drinking Russian vodka. Lol. In my own shamanism, I didn’t realise I was using “ally’s” in alcohol and weed until you showed me that whole concept.

I know the shaman use it. I watched a documentary once on it and the village shaman lived alone in his hut. The people would supply the alcohol and drugs for them. They gave absolute trust to him to solve all problems…lol….get this… I watched the techniques of this one shaman in “action” resulting in him drilling a hole physically into someone’s skull to heal them…

I watched as he downed this whole bottle of spirits and puffed on his drugs for all his life was worth like some fucking desperate addict and then took one look at him and thought fuck that for a lark, surely you are fucking joking me? The guy was absolutely off his tits! Completely out of it. His “allys” must have been pretty barbaric! Lol.  Or maybe his mind filters, veils or even ego distorted shit? This guy wasn’t what I term “droned” he was so drunk and high he wasn’t in his mind at all….I don’t get to volitionally use shamanics but from my perspective I would see that as being something you would do symbolically. In a persons subtle bodies not penetrate their actual physical brain with a fucking rusty drill! Ffs!

The person died. Lmao. It’s supposed to be “psychic surgery” you idiot! Using things like theatre, imagination and the human minds biology of belief. I think his mind intention as he went into his non ordinary state went no where near source but went way too fucking far the other way. Maybe like stuck in dimensions like a black hole gravitational pull into his basic nature with only an ally of a power animal. Lol. I thought that maybe he was just conning the people for his own free supplies. Lol.

Must have been a sham shaman. Lol. These were old taught native shamans with low level of consciousness and understanding. I know You have to be fully evolved and multidimensionally balanced to do the “alien” shamanism, like use source for sources use!

Laz 29/03/21:

“There’s a guy in the place who’s got a bittersweet face

And E goes by the name of Ebeneezer Goode

His friends call him ‘Ezer and E is the main geezer

And E’ll vibe up the place like no other man could”

Jane 29/03/21:

I have a lot of experiences that go on almost unregistered as unusual anymore. I just let it get on with it.. lol. I tend to only notice if and when it has become so recurrent that you cannot not notice. Lol So, what I have also noted over the past few days that I am getting something I used to get a lot of years ago. Maybe it’s the dimension of mind I am back in? I don’t know but it’s really super active again.

When you touch a muscle with an electric impulse it contracts. At the centre of my belly, it’s like that going on and my whole body contracts like an involuntary body crunch. It just hits out of the blue. If someone is with me it looks kind of crazy as my whole body jolts. It holds the position of contraction for between a second or sometimes can be up to 30 seconds.      

It’s a good job I am mainly left alone to my own crazy devices. Lol. I think it’s called the “hara” ..Oh I googled it. Lol. The Hara is central to the practice of Reiki. Unlike the chakras, it’s more difficult to find information about it, although Authentic Japanese Reiki Training will provide the necessary knowledge The Hara is best understood in the experience of one’s own regular, spiritual and healing practice. 

While the chakras are mentioned below, Far Eastern understanding of our subtle anatomy is based on the Hara, not the yogic chakras. The following is taken from The Three Pillars of Zen, compiled and edited by Philip Kapleau, a seminal work on Zen Buddhism. While there are certain references specific to Zen, the appeal of the Hara and its cultivation is obvious.

Hara literally denotes the stomach and abdomen and the functions of digestion, absorption, and elimination connected with them. But it has parallel psychic and spiritual significance. According to Hindu and Buddhist yogic systems, there are a number of psychic centers in the body through which vital cosmic force or energy flows. Of the two such centers embraced within the hara, one is associated with the solar plexus, whose system of nerves governs the digestive processes and organs of elimination. Hara is thus a wellspring of vital psychic energies.

Harada-roshi, one of the most celebrated Zen masters of his day, in urging his disciples to concentrate their mind’s eye (i.e., the attention, the summation point of the total being) in their hara, would declare: “You must realize”—i.e. make real—”that the center of the universe is the pit of your belly! To facilitate his experience of this fundamental truth, the Zen novice is instructed to focus his mind constantly at the bottom of his hara (specifically, between the navel and the pelvis) and to radiate all mental and bodily activities from that region. With the body-mind’s equilibrium centered in the hara, gradually a seat of consciousness, a focus of vital energy, is established there which influences the entire organism.

That consciousness is by no means confined to the brain is shown by Lama Govinda, who writes as follows: “While, according to Western conceptions, the brain is the exclusive seat of consciousness, yogic experience shows that our brain-consciousness is only one among a number of possible forms of consciousness, and that these, according to their function and nature, can be localized or centered in various organs of the body. These ‘organs,’ which collect, transform, and distribute the forces flowing through them, are called cakras, or centers of force. From them radiate secondary streams of psychic force, comparable to the spokes of a wheel, the ribs of an umbrella, or the petals of a lotus. In other words, these cakras are the points in which psychic forces and bodily functions merge into each other or penetrate each other. They are the focal points in which cosmic and psychic energies crystallize into bodily qualities, and in which bodily qualities are dissolved or transmuted again into psychic forces.

Settling the body’s center of gravity below the navel, that is, establishing a center of consciousness in the hara, automatically relaxes tensions arising from the habitual hunching of the shoulders, straining of the neck, and squeezing in of the stomach. As this rigidity disappears, an enhanced vitality and new sense of freedom are experienced throughout the body and mind, which are felt more and more to be a unity.

Zazen (meditation) has clearly demonstrated that with the mind’s eye centered in the hara the proliferation of random ideas is diminished and the attainment of one-pointedness accelerated, since a plethora of blood from the head is drawn down to the abdomen, “cooling” the brain and soothing the autonomic nervous system. This in turn leads to a greater degree of mental and emotional stability. One who functions from his hara, therefore, is not easily disturbed. He is, moreover, able to act quickly and decisively in an emergency owing to the fact that his mind, anchored in his hara, does not waver.

With the mind in the hara, narrow and egocentric thinking is superseded by a broadness of outlook and a magnanimity of spirit. This is because thinking from the vital hara center, being free of mediation by the limited discursive intellect, is spontaneous and all embracing. Perception from the hara tends toward integration and unity rather than division and fragmentation. In short, it is thinking which sees things steadily and whole.

The figure of the Buddha seated on his lotus throne—serene, stable, all-knowing and all-encompassing, radiating boundless light and compassion—is the foremost example of hara expressed through perfect enlightenment. Rodin’s “Thinker,” on the other hand, a solitary figure “lost” in thought and contorted in body, remote and isolated from his Self, typifies the opposite state. “Psychic” here does not relate to extrasensory phenomena or powers but to energies and body-mind states which cannot be classified either as physiological or psychological

That’s really interesting because whilst I was dealing with the complex crap I had to in the  matrix on my mission I had constant digestive problems going on. Thankfully they have now resolved. As above so below?  Lol.

Laz 29/03/21:

Interesting, I’ve always had digestive issues, as recently as last night in fact! Thank you for that read 🙂

Jane 29/03/21:

Ok so this is weird. New sensation. I have that hara activity going on still and when I have slept and am waking up I am vibrating but it feels different to how I normally get those vibrations. I can only describe it as I don’t feel I am being vibrated as I normally do …..This feels more like the sensation that I am the vibrations? Maybe that hara line is just rebalancing shit out? I didn’t realise that hara was where your own healer, psychotherapist and teacher comes from? Oh well, You learn something new everyday. Lmao. 

Laz 29/03/21:

Healer, psychotherapist and teacher! That’s quite a set of abilities our guts have 🙂

Despite all of our talk, there is a part of me still (the skeptic) that keeps saying to me, “if i could prove all of this was nonsense, I could go back to how things used to be.” You know if I could disprove this Kundalini communication idea then it is more likely a fungus infection, or worms or something causing sensations and thoughts, rather than what it appears to be, then finally I could accept I was just ill and this would be over!

Jane 29/03/21:

There is nothing wrong with a bit of healthy skepticism. It too is a useful discernment skill.

Do you really percieve your idea of Kundalini communication as a “bug” in your mind? A mental illness? Really? Why? 

To me if we don’t go with our gut and out on a limb at times then we will always be limited by what we already know and have been taught, then there is no room for further possibilities. I could say that from a matrix perspective I have many symptoms of mental illness but I know full well. They are not! They are actually symptoms that source “utilises” 

I absolutely agree that ignorance is bliss. Problem is once you are no longer an ignoramus, you can’t go back to being one. Once fully awake you can’t go back to sleep. It’s a good job some people are ignorantly blind to the matrix because if not, it could drive them absolutely insane. 

Laz 29/03/21:

It’s one of those things which I cannot sufficiently prove to myself one way or another. Hence my reaching out to different folk with my experiment. I feel I need to conclude something, which ever court the ball may fall in.

Jane 29/03/21:

Ok when the timing is right, as in I don’t have control,  we can try it out. I need time for my computer to load…..lol

Maybe the folk you’ve been reaching out to to try it with were not right? Like in energies/frequencies. Everything happens for a reason.  This kind of thing forms an extremely strong intense energy cable between people and I for one most certainly wouldn’t want to form one of those with just anyone. Actually no human being. Lol.

Laz 29/03/21:

Is that to say you’ve some experience here?

Jane 29/03/21:

Let’s just say I know what I’m talking about regarding the psycho-spiritual aspect. This concept is basically a form of God’s voodoo. As opposed to the dark side where it is used to control, manipulate and put fear into people. That’s what voodoo is. Using mind, thoughts, emotions, intent, motive, feelings etc. to connect to another persons psyche. If it comes from a place of non ego and love it comes from source. If it comes from ego or non love it comes from the dark side. Black magic/voodoo. Once established this connecting energy line can be almost psychologically impossible for people to break, they become like a voodoo doll to the practitioner. Witch doctors. Under their spell.

So maybe those discernment skills of yours were actually protecting you? Lol. 

Laz 29/03/21:

Hmmm, so you’ve not read any of my unpublished account. bits and pieces are on my website but in brief I had a “connection” with Satan/Lucifer/Beelzebub/The Devil and it actually lead me to the severing of it’s influence rather than a connection that bound me to it. Looking back I had been controlled by evil influence for most of my life, but it was when this technique introduced me to evil itself that I was able to free myself. So my experience may run at odds with your own here? 

Jane 29/03/21:

I don’t think there is any odds here? You are absolutely correct we need to run with the devil for a while in order to outrun it. The devil was just another teacher on your path. I was on the “evil” side as I now perceive it, until 20 years ago. When I say I  needed to assimilate… EVERYTHING. I meant everything, both sides of dark/light, good/bad.

You can only do that assimilating if you have both sides of the experiences to do so. 

Laz 29/03/21:

So i’m getting a bit lost then. How would connecting to another living human through telepathy (for want of a phrase in my K understanding) bind you to them negatively?

You know it’s like I had a living and a spiritual connection to Graham who embodied the spirit of Azazel, but I was not his pin cushion! 

I still have Graham’s phone number, but I don’t ever want to speak with that man ever again! otherwise he may be able to verify some of the stuff that happened 🙁

Jane 29/03/21:

What happened between you? Why would you not want it verified? What happened that you perceive as being so bad that you are afraid of it’s verification?  Maybe he was just a “demonic” lesson? If you need to spit it out, then do so! 

Laz 29/03/21:

To be 100% honest I’m still disturbed by him and his ways, but more than that I don’t want to make that connection again with him, to get re-involved in some way. It was such a weird experience, one like I’ve never had with another being. If I’m being super “normal” about it, he must have some mental issues himself, and I don’t need that back in my life right now of all times. Maybe on my deathbed I’d reach out to him for one last time!

Jane 29/03/21:

You don’t need to make any connection. Just the opposite. If he is troubling to your mind then he still has power over you. Look at him for who and what he is…as you say probably psycho, and exorcise him! 

Laz 29/03/21:

What do you mean by exorcise him? I mean we’re clearly not in touch now, and he’s never tried to get in touch since 2014 so there’s no control there. 

Jane 29/03/21:

Exorcise him from your consciousness. Rid your mind of him. Be gone Satan! You don’t need to be in touch with him for there to still be control. He isn’t even the one doing the controlling anymore. It takes on a life of it’s own. …Inside your mind! That’s why this shit can be so incredibly powerful and dangerous.  The only way we can rid our minds of any sort of control we allow others to have over us is simple to say but so very hard to do with people or situations we see as being “against” us. Forgive it and rise above it.

It’s like magic in that the “thought energy” isn’t even there anymore. The consciousness awareness is purified of it all. Any further thoughts have absolutely no power. 

Laz 29/03/21:

Isn’t that a bit like trying to deny something ever happened? Like to try an bury a memory that keeps popping back up. I don’t want to forget him, just to never have anything to do with him again, and that is the case at the present time 🙂

Jane 29/03/21:

Absolutely not. It’s not denying anything, in fact just the opposite. By fully processing the memory if needed then  forgiving it and letting it go the mind can can move on from it. It’s like therapy. This is how I triggered my daughter by clearing something from her mind that happened at 16 that was holding her back. I suggested she put it down in writing. It is fine if you don’t want to forget him but just take back your power! Stop allowing him to influence you. The negative feelings you describe towards him suggests that he is on some level psychologically and spiritually detrimental to you. 

Laz 29/03/21:

I think i’ve done a pretty good job of doing this 🙂 Not aware of any influence on my life!

Jane 29/03/21:

I would say you have done a fantastic job, mastering this stuff by yourself.  Whilst simultaneously dealing with everyday life in the world. Bringing up kids etc. I had it somewhat easier than you because I got the fuck out ….first!   lol. 

Laz 29/03/21:

Believe me, the desire for me to opt out was very strong, and still lingers like a ghost so that’s one I should perhaps exorcise 🙂 The pull to get the hell out of dodge is deep in me, but I’m staying as an example for my kids and because I perceive that philosophy again in which I should stay until I’m thrown out, causing as much trouble to the evil system as I can, while I can!

Retirement for me is when I stop fighting them and pass the torch of truth on, as opposed to any monetary limit being reached. I’m still basically an angsty teenager at one level, and a stubborn one at that 🙂

Just had this lady approach me on email: https://www.vyapakah.com/
Her words in the email suggested that she is selling something, and oh look she’s just released a book! 😀 
Still I may find she has something to teach me, she has Shamanism in her bio, so I responded and we’ll see where this goes. Interesting timing though! 

Jane 29/03/21:

Yeah it usually works that way 🙂 

Laz 29/03/21:

I may have misjudged. She’s German and therefore direct in communication. On examining her website, she writes a lot like me and certainly on the same subjects! 

Laz Divine